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conversion rate optimization best practices

8 Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? Are you tired of pouring all your resources into driving traffic to your website only to see minimal returns? Follow these 8 Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices for your site's performance. By improving your website's ability to convert existing traffic into qualified leads, you can achieve long-term, sustainable growth for your business. 

In this blog post, seobase will explore the benefits of CRO and why it should be a priority for your marketing team. We'll also provide you with some best practices and a checklist for getting started and explain why it may be worth considering bringing in a conversion rate optimization specialist to help with your CRO strategy. So, let's dive in and learn more about the power of CRO.

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What Is a Conversion Rate?

In online marketing, a high conversion rate is the ultimate goal. It means that your website is doing its job of persuading visitors to take the desired action, whether filling out a form or making a purchase. 

But what if your conversion rate is lagging behind your expectations?  That's where conversion rate optimization (CRO) comes into play. Moreover, you can identify and address the factors hindering your website ability to convert visitors into customers. 

Furthermore, a CRO checklist can help you stay on track and address all the necessary components of a successful CRO strategy.  In some cases, bringing in a conversion rate optimization specialist can be smart, as they have the expertise to identify and fix issues you may have overlooked.  

Ultimately, the benefits of conversion rate optimization are clear: by improving your conversion rate, you'll see a higher return on investment and enjoy long-term, sustainable growth for your business. So don't wait - start implementing a conversion rate optimization strategy today and watch your website performance soar.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate?

When measuring your website's success, a "good" conversion rate can be difficult to define. It varies based on your industry, niche, and audience demographics. 

For example, the average global CRO for e-commerce sites was 2.17% in 2020, with the US seeing a higher average of 2.57%.  Different niches also have different averages, with the food and beverage sector seeing an average conversion rate of 5.5%, while the hair care sector average is 3.5%. 

If your conversion rate is lower than you'd like, it's time to consider optimizing your website.  Conversions can happen on any site page, so optimizing each location to maximize your chances of turning visitors into customers is important. 

You can ensure you address all the necessary components of a successful CRO strategy.  And if you're unsure where to start, a conversion rate optimization specialist can help. Moreover, by improving your website's ability to convert visitors, you'll see a higher return on investment and achieve long-term, sustainable growth. 

So, whether you're looking to surpass industry averages or meet your goals, a solid conversion rate optimization strategy is key. conversion rate optimization checklist

How to Calculate Conversion Rate?

Calculating your website's conversion rate is essential in any conversion rate optimization strategy. Moreover, it's a simple process of dividing the number of conversions by the number of visitors and multiplying it by 100 to get a percentage.

Defining a conversion depends on your specific goals. For example, newsletter opt-ins or ebook downloads.  By tracking the number of conversions and visitors on specific web pages, you can identify which areas need improvement and develop a conversion rate optimization strategy to address those issues. 

Furthermore, tracking conversion rates regularly is crucial to make informed decisions about your site's design and functionality. Suppose you're not confident in tracking and optimizing your conversion rate.  

In that case, a conversion rate optimization specialist can help you identify key areas for improvement and develop a conversion rate optimization checklist to ensure you're addressing every necessary component. 

Ultimately, improving your website conversion rate can lead to significant benefits, including a higher return on investment and sustainable growth for your business.

Where to Implement a CRO Strategy

Four key areas can greatly benefit from conversion rate optimization: your homepage, pricing page, landing pages, and checkout process. Furthermore, by implementing conversion rate optimization best practices in these areas, you can enhance the user experience, improve site functionality, and ultimately increase the likelihood of visitors taking desired actions.

1. Homepage

Conversion rate optimization is particularly useful for homepages, which can significantly benefit from optimization techniques. 

The homepage is often the first point of contact with visitors and can make a lasting impression. It's important to retain visitors and guide them further into your site by highlighting links to product information. 

In addition, providing a clear call-to-action for signups and utilizing chatbots to engage with visitors and answer their questions in real time.  By implementing CRO best practices on your homepage, you can increase the likelihood of converting visitors into customers and achieve long-term growth for your business.

2. Pricing page

A pricing page is a critical website component when converting visitors into customers. Conversion rate optimization can help improve the effectiveness of a pricing page by tweaking different elements. 

For example, pricing intervals and product feature descriptions, providing a phone number for price quotes, or even adding a simple popup form.  For instance, Hotjar increased its leads by over 400 in three weeks by adding a straightforward email opt-in popup form on its pricing page.

3. Blog

Conversion rate optimization can significantly turn a website's blog into a valuable source for generating leads. By publishing informative and engaging content related to your industry, your blog can be leveraged as a tool to convert readers into potential customers.  

One of the best ways to do this is to incorporate strategic calls-to-action (CTA) throughout your articles, prompting readers to download a related ebook or industry report by providing their email addresses.

4. Landing pages

Optimizing landing pages can yield impressive conversion rates as they are specifically designed for visitors to take action. On average, landing pages have the highest conversion rate of all signup forms, with 23%.  

For instance, an event landing page can include a video showcasing the previous year's event to entice visitors to register for the current year. Alternatively, a free resource landing page can be optimized with preview content to persuade visitors to download it. Once you know which pages to optimize for conversions, you may be curious when it's time to begin the conversion rate optimization process. benefits of conversion rate optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices

 Here are some conversion rate optimization best practices to test and implement at your company.

1. Create text-based CTAs within blog posts.

Including CTAs in a blog post is a well-established conversion rate optimization best practice. However, sometimes CTAs fail to persuade visitors to take the desired action.  

Banner blindness, a phenomenon where visitors become accustomed to ignoring banner-like information on websites, is one reason why CTAs may be ineffective. Additionally, site visitors often snack on content and don't read to the bottom of a blog post, making it necessary to try a different approach. One effective approach is to use text-based CTAs. 

2. Add lead flows on your blog.

Including lead flows on your website is one of the best practices for conversion rate optimization. These pop-ups are specifically designed to catch visitors' attention and provide them with something of value. Lead flows can be presented in various formats. Depending on the offer you want to promote. For example, a slide-in box, drop-down banner, or pop-up box.

3. Run tests on your landing pages.

Landing pages are essential to any marketer's arsenal and crucial to optimizing conversion rates. To ensure your landing pages are performing at their best, it's important to implement A/B testing to identify the most effective design and content features for your audience. 

A/B testing allows you to quickly and easily test various versions of your website's copy, content offers, images, form questions, and web pages to determine which resonates most with your target audience and leads.

4. Help leads become MQLs.

High-intent visitors may want to skip parts of the buyer's journey and immediately speak with a sales rep, making it necessary to encourage them to complete specific actions that can turn them into marketing-qualified leads (MQLs). This can be achieved using thoughtfully designed web pages, compelling and clear copy, and smart CTAs. 

To determine what generates the most customers, running a series of tests and optimizing for the most effective process is important. The goal should be to reduce friction in the sales process and make it easier for high-intent visitors to take action.

5. Build workflows to enable your team.

To optimize your team's workflow, marketing automation software can be a valuable tool. Automated workflows can be set up to send automatic emails, allow leads to book meetings with reps, and notify reps when leads take high-intent actions.  

For instance, in e-commerce, abandoned cart emails can be sent as a reminder, effective with a high open rate of 45%. Of those opened, 21% are clicked, and half of those who clicked make a purchase, according to research from Moosend. Considering these automation options is important as they can help streamline and simplify the customer journey.  conversion rate optimization strategy

6. Add messages to high-converting web pages.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a crucial strategy for any business wanting to maximize revenue. Using CRO best practices and following a conversion rate optimization checklist can help you increase your conversion rate and generate more leads.  

As a CRO specialist, you can use live chat software to offer real-time support and guidance to website visitors on high-performing web pages. For example, pricing and product pages. 

By adding messaging features, you can provide leads with the information they need to make a purchase decision.  Using action-based messaging and chatbots can also be a powerful CRO strategy. our website for maximum conversions and to increase your revenue.

7. Optimize high-performing blog posts.

One of the benefits of conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the opportunity to increase conversions through blog content. If you already have a blog on your site, you can use CRO best practices to optimize your posts for conversions.  

A CRO specialist can identify posts with high web traffic but low conversion rates and determine the possible causes. For example, SEO, content offer, or (CTA). Adding a relevant content offer or optimizing the CTA can increase conversions. 

8. Leverage retargeting to re-engage website visitors.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) specialists know that most website visitors don't take the desired action, regardless of the key conversion metric. Fortunately, retargeting is a powerful CRO strategy that can re-engage visitors who left your website.  

By tracking visitors and serving them online ads as they visit other websites, retargeting can be particularly impactful when used on your highest-converting web pages.  

To make retargeting effective, you must follow CRO best practices and create well-crafted copy, engaging visuals, and a compelling offer. With these strategies in place, retargeting can be a valuable addition to your CRO checklist and significantly benefit your website's conversion rates.

Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices: Conclusion

In conclusion, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is an essential strategy for any website to increase its performance. Using CRO best practices and following a CRO checklist, you can optimize your website to convert more visitors into customers. 

However, it's important to note that CRO is a continuous process, and there's always room for improvement.  

A CRO specialist can help you identify areas for improvement and develop a strategy to implement changes. One useful tool for prioritizing CRO efforts is the PIE framework, which ranks each element by Potential, Importance, and Ease. Furthermore, using this framework, you can identify the projects with the greatest impact and work on those first.  

The benefits of CRO are significant, including increased conversions, improved user experience, and a better return on investment. Moreover, if you have more questions about CRO, refer to the frequently asked questions section or consult a CRO specialist.  

Using the seobase SEO online toolset allows you to optimize your conversion rate effectively, as it should be part of your CRO strategy. 

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