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Google Rankbrain Algorithm

A Complete Guide To The Google Rankbrain Algorithm

Google RankBrain Algorithm is a new AI algorithm that helps determine which web pages should appear on top of search results. It's part of Google's Knowledge Graph, which is a database of structured data that powers many of Google's products. In addition to helping users find relevant content, RankBrain also helps Google understand what people want to see when they type specific keywords into the search box. In this post, seobase provides SEOs with this guide that contains valuable information about the Google Rankbrain Algorithm.

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What Is RankBrain?

In 2014, Google announced that it would begin using artificial intelligence (AI) to rank web pages. This new ranking system, dubbed RankBrain, was designed to help Google understand how people actually use search engines. It works by analyzing the context of a user’s search term and looking for patterns in the way users interact with search results. Post-RankBrain, the query uses an understanding model to apply possible aspects like the user location, personalization, and the question words to define the searcher's intent. By determining this intent, Google delivers better relevant results. The RankBrain algorithm is based on neural networks. Neural networks are mathematical models inspired by how neurons in the brain process information. They use layers of artificial neurons to perform tasks like recognizing patterns, classifying data, and making decisions. In essence, RankBrain is a way for Google to learn from your past behavior and make smarter guesses about what you want next. google rank brain

Why Did Google Introduce RankBrain Algorithm?

Many SEOs wonder why is RankBrain important. RankBrain aims to understand the meaning behind search terms so that when users enter a query. The system will know which pages on the web should rank higher than others. This way, the right content will appear in the SERPs. The search engine giant wanted to know how users were using their site, so they developed RankBrain. It uses machine learning to understand the meaning behind words and phrases and then ranks the results accordingly. This allows Google to provide relevant information to searchers without having to manually review each result. RankBrain was initially rolled out to satisfy one simple but significant problem. Google had not seen 15% of queries used, and as such, had no context for them nor past analytics to determine if their results were good or not at satisfying the user's intent. rankbrain algorithm

Is The Google Algorithm RankBrain the Same "PageRank"?

PageRank is unique because it's the first name that Google gave to one of the parts of its ranking algorithm way back when the search engine began in 1998. The PageRank algorithm is used to rank web pages. It counts how many incoming links each page receives and assigns a value to those links. This value is then multiplied by a constant factor to give each link a weight. The sum of all these weights is then divided by the total number of links to get a score out of 100.  PageRank is part of the overall Hummingbird algorithm that covers a specific way of giving pages credit based on the links from other pages pointing at them.

How Do I Optimize for RankBrain?

Unsurprisingly, Google didn't outline how Google Rankbrain Algorithm works mainly. However, we can make knowledgeable guesses about what's going on. However, to keep your content in good order, use the following steps:

  • Create high-value content that provides helpful, accurate information and answers users' questions.
  • Use schema markup to make it easier for the algorithm to understand your content.
  • Monitor traffic and conversion rates using seobase rank tracker tool to see dips or spikes showing your efforts' success.

Also read How to Stay Up to Date with Google Algorithm Updates?

what is rankbrain

Google Rankbrain Algorithm: Conclusion

Google changes its algorithm about 600+ updates a year, which means about twice a day. Thus, it is almost impossible to understand what Google wants us to do regarding SEO. In 2014, Google released news about Google Rankbrain Algorithm, powered by new AI and machine learning technology to filter search results. Furthermore, RankBrain is a machine learning system that allows Google to give context to complex search queries. You can take advantage of the online SEO tools provided by seobase to improve your website SEO plan that will make you rank on the top of the results pages on the search engines SERPs.  

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