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amp in seo

What IS AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) In SEO?

In today's dynamic digital landscape, the speed at which content is delivered can make or break your online presence. Enter AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) – a Google-backed project that promises faster mobile web pages. If you've ever wondered, "What is AMP Google?" or "How does AMP affect SEO?" you've come to the right place. In this article from seobase, we'll unravel the intricacies of AMP and its profound impact on SEO.


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What is AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?

AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open-source initiative led by Google, aiming to ensure web content loads swiftly on mobile devices. Essentially, AMP pages are simplified versions of regular web pages designed for rapid loading times without sacrificing content quality.

How Does It Work?

AMP achieves its speed through a combination of various optimization techniques. This includes streamlined CSS, prioritization of resource loading, and asynchronous JavaScript. Additionally, Google caches AMP pages, allowing them to be served even more quickly to users.

What is AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?

Why Should You Care About AMP?

AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, represents a paradigm shift in how mobile web content is delivered, emphasizing speed and a streamlined user experience. Here's why you should care about AMP:

1. User Experience is Paramount

Today, the majority of users access the internet via mobile devices. A positive mobile experience is crucial for retaining and engaging users. AMP ensures that mobile web pages load swiftly, offering users a seamless and engaging browsing experience without the frustrations of slow-loading pages.

2. Improved Page Load Speed

With the focus on streamlined code and asynchronous content loading, AMP pages typically load much faster than their non-AMP counterparts. Speed matters: even a one-second delay in mobile load times can decrease customer satisfaction by 16%.

3. Decreased Bounce Rate

The faster a page loads, the more likely users will remain on that page and engage with the content. A significant reduction in bounce rates can be expected when shifting to AMP, leading to more on-site time and potentially higher conversion rates.

4. Increased Visibility in Search Results

Google occasionally gives AMP pages special treatment in search results, such as featuring them in the "Top Stories" carousel. 

The recognizable lightning bolt icon indicating an AMP page can assure users that the page will load rapidly, potentially enhancing click-through rates.

5. Improved Search Engine Ranking

While AMP isn't a direct ranking factor for Google, page speed is. Faster-loading pages can enjoy better search rankings, leading to more organic traffic. 

With Google's emphasis on mobile-first indexing, ensuring a fast mobile experience can indirectly benefit your search presence.

6. Cost Savings

For businesses, faster page loads can translate to reduced server load and lower costs. Moreover, with Google caching AMP pages, there's less stress on your server resources, especially during traffic spikes.

7. Ad Monetization

AMP isn't just about content; it also offers a way to serve ads faster and more efficiently on mobile pages. Faster loading ads mean better visibility and potentially higher ad revenue.

8. Future-proofing Your Web Presence

With giants like Google backing the AMP initiative and the consistent growth in mobile web users, adopting AMP can be seen as a forward-thinking approach. As the web continues to evolve, being an early adopter of technologies geared toward improving user experience can be beneficial in the long run.

9. Analytics and AMP

For businesses that rely heavily on analytics, AMP allows for integrating various analytics platforms. This means you can still gather critical user behavior data, further refining your content and marketing strategies.

10. Compatibility and Uniformity

AMP ensures your content looks and performs consistently across various platforms and devices. This uniformity ensures a consistent brand image and user experience, irrespective of how users access your content.

How to implement AMP

How to Implement AMP?

Implementing AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) requires some restructuring of your web pages to conform to the guidelines set by the AMP project. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you implement AMP on your site:

1. Understand the AMP Specification

Before you start, familiarize yourself with the AMP specifications. It's essential to know the do's and don'ts for creating valid AMP pages.

2. Choose an Implementation Method

Depending on your CMS or website platform, there are different ways to implement AMP:

  • WordPress: Install and activate the official AMP plugin. It can automatically generate AMP-compatible versions of your pages.
  • Custom Websites: You'll need to manually create an AMP version for each of your web pages.

3. Modify the HTML & CSS

For each AMP page, you need to:

  • Use a minimalistic version of HTML.
  • Include the mandatory AMP JS library.
  • Restrict CSS to 50KB or less and inline it within the <style amp-custom> tag.
  • Replace tags that are not AMP-compliant with their AMP equivalents, e.g., replace <img> with <amp-img>.

4. Optimize Media and Embeds

Make sure to use AMP-extended components for media:

  • Replace <img> with <amp-img>.
  • Use <amp-video> for videos.
  • For embeds like YouTube, X, or Instagram, use components like <amp-youtube>, <amp-twitter>, and <amp-instagram>, respectively.

5. Handle Javascript Asynchronously

AMP doesn't allow third-party JavaScript. If you have custom JavaScript:

  • You might need to replace its functionality using AMP components.
  • Some scripts can be included using <amp-script> but in limited cases.

6. Setup AMP Analytics

If you use analytics, integrate it with AMP:

  • Use the <amp-analytics> component.
  • Configure it according to your analytics provider’s requirements.

7. Optimize Ads for AMP

If you have ads on your site:

  • Use <amp-ad> to display them.
  • Ensure your ad networks are AMP-supported.

8. Implement Social Sharing with AMP Components

For social media buttons or sharing functionality, utilize the <amp-social-share> component.

9. Link AMP and Non-AMP Pages

Make sure to:

  • Add a canonical link in the AMP page pointing to the non-AMP version.
  • On the non-AMP page, add a link with rel="amphtml" pointing to the AMP version.

10. Validate Your AMP Pages

Before going live:

  • Use the AMP Validator to check for errors.
  • In Chrome, you can append #development=1 to your URL and use the browser's console to see validation errors.

11. Enable AMP Cache

Once your AMP pages are live and indexed, they'll be cached automatically by platforms like Google. The cache serves your content even faster to users.

12. Monitor Performance and Errors

Keep an eye on:

  • Google Search Console’s AMP report to catch and rectify any errors.
  • User behavior on your AMP pages using AMP analytics.

What Are The Best Practices for AMP?

Implementing AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is about more than just adhering to its guidelines; it's about optimizing for performance, user experience, and discoverability. Here are some best practices you should consider when working with AMP:

1. Regularly Validate AMP Pages

To ensure your AMP pages are always compliant:

  • Use the AMP Validator to detect issues.
  • Monitor the AMP section in Google Search Console for potential errors.

2. Optimize Images

  • Use the srcset attribute in <amp-img> to serve different image resolutions based on device characteristics.
  • Use the layout attribute to specify how images load and display.
  • Optimize image files to reduce their size without compromising quality.

3. Prioritize Content Above the Fold

For faster perceived performance:

  • Prioritize the loading of content that appears above the fold.
  • Use the media attribute to load resources based on device features like viewport and screen resolution.

4. Limit Use of Extensions

Only use AMP components that are absolutely necessary for your content. Each additional component requires a separate JavaScript request, which could affect performance.

5. Be Careful with Custom Fonts

Custom fonts can delay text rendering:

  • Use the font-display property to control how custom fonts render.
  • Host fonts locally if possible, as it might be faster than fetching from external font services.

6. Use AMP's Built-in Analytics

With <amp-analytics>, you can:

  • Track user interactions and page performance.
  • Integrate with various analytics platforms, ensuring you gather crucial data without hurting page speed.

7. Optimize Ads for Better Performance and User Experience

If monetization is a goal:

  • Use the <amp-ad> component and ensure your ad networks are AMP-compliant.
  • Prioritize user experience over ad quantity. Too many ads can disrupt the user experience and slow down page loading.

8. Update Content Regularly

Stale content can be cached in AMP caches. To ensure users see the most recent version:

  • Update the content regularly.
  • Consider using the AMP Update Cache API to inform AMP caches when fresh content is available.

9. Ensure a Smooth Transition Between AMP and Non-AMP Versions

For websites offering both AMP and non-AMP versions:

  • Use the rel="canonical" link from the AMP page to its corresponding non-AMP version.
  • Link back to the AMP page using the rel="amphtml" link from the non-AMP page.

10. Stay Updated with AMP's Evolution

The AMP project is continually evolving:

  • Regularly visit the official AMP Project website for updates, new features, and improvements.
  • Participate in the AMP community to gain insights, share feedback, and learn from other practitioners.

11. Test, Test, Test!

Just as with any web project:

  • Continuously test your AMP pages on different devices and browsers.
  • Gather real-world performance data and refine your AMP implementation accordingly.


The advent of AMP is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the digital world. As user behavior shifts towards mobile consumption, the importance of mobile optimization, including adopting technologies like AMP, will only grow. So, whether you're a seasoned digital marketer or just starting, understanding AMP pages and SEO AMP strategies is invaluable for the success of your online presence.

The marriage of AMP and SEO promises enhanced user experience, improved rankings, and increased visibility. By integrating AMP into your SEO strategy, you're taking a proactive step towards adapting to the future of digital content consumption.

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