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 accessible websites

Accessible Websites And How They Impact SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures your website gets the visibility it deserves on search engine results pages (SERPs). While many aspects of SEO are well-known and widely practiced, one element often goes overlooked: accessible websites. 

Join seobase as we explore the significance of accessible websites for SEO, explore the current state of accessibility on the web, and provide examples of websites that have successfully integrated accessibility into their digital strategies.


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What are Accessible Websites?

Accessible websites, as the term suggests, are designed and developed to ensure ease of use and navigation for individuals with disabilities. 

This inclusivity extends to people with visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments, allowing them to access and interact with web content effectively. 

An accessible website accommodates a wide range of users, offering everyone a seamless and barrier-free experience, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

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Why Accessibility Matters for SEO

To fully grasp the significance of accessible websites, we first need to understand why accessibility matters for SEO.

Enhanced user experience

Accessible websites improve user experience for everyone, not just those with disabilities. A user-friendly, well-structured site leads to higher engagement and more extended visits, a crucial factor for search engine rankings.

Reduced bounce rates

High bounce rates negatively affect SEO. Accessible sites reduce frustration for disabled users, leading to more extended visits and better rankings due to lower bounce rates.

Broadened audience reach

Accessible websites  tap into a vast demographic—approximately 15% of the global population with disabilities. This inclusivity aligns with diversity principles and opens doors to a more extensive customer base.

Enhanced mobile compatibility

Accessible websites are mobile-friendly, a factor search engines consider. This mobile-friendliness is a factor that search engines consider when ranking sites, leading to improved visibility in mobile search results.

Compliance with legal requirements

Meeting accessibility laws like ADA and WCAG avoids legal issues and positively impacts your brand's reputation.

SEO-friendly metadata and alt text

Descriptive metadata and alt text enhance content discoverability for users and search engines, benefiting SEO.

Search engines rely on this textual information to understand and index your content. Accurate alt text and metadata enhance your web pages' discoverability in search results.

Read: The End Of Meta Keywords: Do Meta Tags Still Matter?

accessible seo

How Many Websites Are Accessible?

While the importance of accessible websites is widely acknowledged, the number of accessible websites remains a concern. Web accessibility audits and assessments are essential tools for evaluating the state of accessibility on the web. 

One notable study conducted by WebAIM (Web Accessibility in Mind) in 2020 found that 98.1% of the top one million home pages failed to comply fully with WCAG 2.1 guidelines. 

These findings highlight a considerable gap between the principles of web accessibility and the actual implementation on the internet. While the accessibility landscape may have improved since then, much work must be done to make the web more inclusive.

SEO Strategies for Accessible Websites 

Ensuring your website is accessible and SEO-friendly is essential for reaching a wider audience and improving your search engine rankings. 

Here are some effective strategies to create accessible websites  that also enhance your SEO:

Choose an accessible CMS

Accessible CMS platforms often have features that help you manage accessibility issues effectively, ensuring your website's content and features are accessible to all users.

Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML5 elements provide a clear structure for your content, benefiting screen readers and search engines.

  • Using proper heading hierarchy (e.g., <h1> to <h6>) helps convey the content's organization, making it easier for screen readers to understand and improving search engine indexing.

Descriptive alt text

Alt text for images and non-text content should be descriptive and convey the content's purpose or message.

  • These descriptions enhance accessibility for visually impaired users while providing valuable information to search engines, potentially improving SEO.

Accessible forms

Clear and understandable error messages are essential for all users and contribute to a positive user experience and SEO.

  • Forms on your website should be designed with accessibility in mind. This includes ensuring that input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdowns are easy to use and navigate with keyboard controls.

Multimedia optimization

To cater to disabled users, provide captions and transcripts for videos and audio content. This allows those with hearing impairments or who prefer reading to access your multimedia content.

  • Ensure video players are accessible, support keyboard navigation, and use media players or plugins that work well with screen readers.

Keyboard navigation

Accessible websites should allow users to navigate and interact with all their features using only a keyboard without relying on a mouse or touchpad.

  • Proper keyboard navigation enhances the user experience for individuals with mobility impairments and ensures that your website meets accessibility standards.

Responsive design

Mobile-friendliness is a key SEO factor, and an accessible design that works well on different screen sizes and resolutions can improve your website's visibility in search engine results.

  • Create a responsive design that adapts to various devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a website that not only accommodates users with disabilities but also enhances its SEO performance. 

Read: Strategies For Long-term Advanced SEO Techniques Success

how many websites are accessible

Examples of Accessible Websites

To illustrate the concept of accessible websites in action, let's take a closer look at a few real-world examples of organizations that have successfully integrated accessibility into their web design and SEO strategies:


The tech giant Apple is well-known for its commitment to accessibility. Their website is a prime example of how to make technology inclusive. 

Apple provides alt text for images, video captions, and keyboard navigation support, ensuring disabled individuals can easily access information about their products and services.


As one of the largest retailers in the world, Walmart understands the importance of accessible websites. Their website adheres to WCAG guidelines and includes features such as resizable text, keyboard navigation, and semantic HTML, making it accessible to a broad audience.


The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is renowned for its dedication to accessibility in digital media. 

The BBC accessible websites offer customizable text sizes, video subtitles, and screen reader compatibility, ensuring their diverse audience can access news and entertainment content.


The official website of the UK government, Gov.uk, sets a high standard for accessibility. It follows WCAG guidelines rigorously, making it easy for citizens of all abilities to access government information and services online.


Another major retailer, Target, utilizes accessible websites . They offer alt text for product images, a skip-to-content link for keyboard users, and semantic markup, providing an accessible online shopping experience for all customers.

The Future of SEO and Website Accessibility

The future of SEO and website accessibility will see several key trends:

Voice search optimization

With the rise of voice-activated devices, voice search optimization will become crucial. 

Accessible websites must provide voice-friendly content and structured data markup for voice search queries. This trend will enhance user experience and SEO.

AI and machine learning

AI-driven algorithms will continue to shape SEO practices. Search engines are becoming more competent at understanding user intent and delivering personalized results. 

AI can also benefit accessible websites by improving automated transcription services and content interpretation for disabled individuals.

Mobile-first indexing

Google's mobile-first indexing approach will persist, making mobile optimization essential for SEO. Accessible and responsive design will be critical to ensure all users, including those with disabilities, have a seamless experience on mobile devices.

Greater emphasis on inclusivity

The importance of web accessibility will continue to grow. More organizations will recognize the need to create inclusive online experiences. Stricter legal requirements and regulations will reinforce the importance of accessible websites.

To sum it up, the future of SEO and accessible websites will be characterized by ongoing technological advancements and evolving user expectations. 

examples of accessible websites


Improved user experience, reduced bounce rates, broader audience reach, enhanced mobile compatibility, compliance with legal requirements, and SEO-friendly metadata are all compelling reasons to prioritize accessible websites in your digital strategy. 

While the internet still has a long way to go regarding universal accessibility, these examples of accessible websites demonstrate that it's possible to create a web environment that welcomes and serves all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

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