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Organic Traffic from Long-Tail Keywords with Keyword Explorer

How to Get Search Traffic from Long-Tail Keywords

As a webmaster, you should understand that traffic makes your website stand out from the rest. However, increasing the number of visitors to your site is not something you can do overnight. It takes a lot of practice and consistency. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is through long-tail keywords. Would you like to learn how long-tail keywords work and how you can find them using Keyword explorer? Keep reading this detailed guide.

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Definition of long-tail keywords

Compared to other keywords, apart from being less common, long-tail keywords are more specific. Long-tail keywords are search phrases used by customers on a website when they're to make final decisions on a product or service. Some internet users will also employ long-tail keywords when using voice search. Long-tail keywords tend to have lower search volume than head or short keywords, but that doesn't mean they won't benefit your SEO efforts. A good example is when you run a company that sells furniture. The chances are that when clients search "furniture, your website will not appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). This is even truer when your company is not that established. However, if your business is focused on something more specific, such as contemporary art-deco furniture, then by searching things like "contemporary Art Deco-influenced rectangular lounge," potential customers can easily fund your business online. It's easy to think that the long-tail keywords are not impactful when used on a website, which is invalid. This guide will discover why you should consider using these keywords to enhance your website performance. There're two types of long-tail keywords - what are they? Long-tail keywords fall into two categories based on the purpose they serve. Some can represent unique search queries, and others can be a less popular type of more popular search query. The former is the topical long-tail keyword, while the latter is known as the supporting long-tail keyword. Let's look at them in detail below.

Supporting Long-tail Keywords

In simple terms, if you consider something like "best Italian wristwatches," then you'll be talking about a long-tail keyword. That's because it doesn't get many searches per month compared to head keywords. You can confirm this using keyword research SEO tools. There're some related queries to the best Italian Wristwatches, and they get more significant search volumes per month. They include things like durable watches, lady's watches, and smartwatches. These will also rank higher in search engines than the first long-tail keyword. Google knows that internet users will phrase their search queries differently, albeit looking for the same results. That's why it'll rank the same set of pages for similar keyword variations. Thus, if your site begins to rank for Italian Wristwatches, it'll also rank for all other related long-tail variations. It means you won't have to create a separate page for long-tail keywords. Instead, you can use a single page to target all of them. With that, you have a gist of supporting long-tail keywords, so let's move on to the next category.

Topical Long-tail Keywords

Now, we want to work with another long-tail keyword, "fly bites on dog ears." You must have noticed that this is the best keyword to search for the item on the internet. Therefore, you can easily and successfully target this long-tail keyword on a dedicated page and increase traffic. Once your page has ranked for this topical long-tail keyword, it'll automatically rank for all other less popular or supporting search query variations, such as how to treat fly bites on dogs' ears, fly bites on dog ears, fly bites on dogs ears treatment, etc. Nevertheless, things are never that straightforward. You need to keep working and tweaking your keywords to find what works best for your website. Otherwise, your efforts to increase traffic will not payback.

Why do we call them "long-tail"?

We have already seen many types of keywords out there, and long-tail keywords are just some of them. But why are they called that way? A keyword is said to be long-tailed if it's made of three to five words. Because they have more words than direct keywords, long-tail keywords are more specific, so you can easily use them to target niche demographics. Also, compared to generic keywords, they happen to be less competitive because they're created to match how internet users search queries. The good thing with long-tail keywords is that they make it easier to increase traffic because they target a specific audience. Thus, using them, you can record a high conversion rate in a short duration. Amid the customer journey, the long-tail keywords get more detailed as their needs evolve with time. First, customers will begin by typing simple queries, and as search engines keep giving them more suggestions, their questions get more detailed and specific. That's why it's essential to understand that long-tail keywords can make your brand stand out from the competition.

Why are long-tail keywords so great?

They're more common keywords, and then they're long-tail keywords. If you want to rank easily, you should use long-tail keywords. This makes sense because only a handful of websites will be competing to rank for the exact keywords on Google. The loner and more specific keywords are, the easier it is to rank. The internet has a vast range of users. Therefore, it's easier to find your audience and keep them engaged with long-tail keywords. Thus, it would help to focus on long-tail keywords to enhance the traffic you receive from your SEO efforts. Another great perk of using long-tail keywords is that while only a few people use them, someone who finds your website using the phrases is likely to make a purchase. For instance, think about someone looking for a board game to share with their kids and have fun together. They will first search the term "board game." After a few searches, they learn that they need educational board games suitable for kids. They'll keep searching, but now, they'll type for "educational board games for kids" in the search engine. As you can see, the keyword has only grown in length and is now long-tail. The internet user is currently looking for something more specific. They're likely to make a purchase if they find that you have educational board games for kids since that's precisely what they're looking for. Finding long-tail keywords for your website might seem like a daunting task. However, there're things you can do to make things work a little bit easier for you. Let's learn more in the next section.

How to find long-tail keywords?

The first thing you can do to make your website stand out is sell good products. You must also be aware of what your website or products can offer to the customers and what makes your site unique compared to the competitors. Once you know these things, it becomes easier to sell to your customers and accumulate profits. As we continue, you should take your time and think about the finer details that make your products and services unique.

Use Google Suggest

This is one of the most reliable resources for finding long-tail keywords. Just begin by typing your primary keywords and see the suggestions as Google makes them. If it shows up in Google's suggestions, then you already know it's something many people search for on the internet.

Google's Related Searches

To complete keyword research on Google, just like what happens when you type your query on Google. However, these ones will always appear at the bottom of the SERP, right below the first page of the organic search results. If you take a keen look at them, you'll notice that they have a close relationship with what you were looking for. Use Other Research Tools You might be tempted to use the same tool to research keywords. While there's nothing wrong with that technique, you'll be selling yourself short. You'll miss out on critical long-tail keywords that might help your page rank highly on Google. The Google keyword tool is primary and is excellent to get started. But if you need something solid and long-term, there are many other options you might want to try, such as Google Trends, WordStreams, Keyword Explorer, etc.

Mine Your Analytics

Your analytics will tell you everything you need to know about the kind of visitors to your website. These include the keyword phrases that attract internet users to your site. Using analytics, you can find as many long-tail keywords as possible, and you can use them to grow your website and make it stand out from the crowd.


Compared to other keywords, apart from being less common, long-tail keywords are more specific, and you can easily find them through keyword research. Long-tail keywords are search phrases used by customers on a website when they're to make final dKeyoecisions on a product or service. The good thing with long-tail keywords is that they make it easier to increase traffic because they target a specific audience. Thus, using them, you can record a high conversion rate in a short duration.

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