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What Is Internal Linking

What Is Internal Linking And Why It Is Important?

When you embark on the journey of understanding SEO, you'll come across many technical terms and techniques. One of those terms is 'Internal Linking'. But exactly, What Is Internal Linking? At its core, internal linking is a method by which different pages of the same website are connected via hyperlinks.


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The Mechanics Behind Internal Linking

The Basics

Imagine a web of interconnected rooms. To go from one room to another, you'd need a door or a passageway. Similarly, in the digital world, internal links serve as those doors, enabling navigation between different pages of a site.

Different Types of Links

There are primarily two types of links: internal and external.

  • Internal Links: These are links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same domain. For instance, linking from a blog post to your homepage.
  • External Links: These point to any domain other than the source domain. For example, if SEObase.com links to another authoritative SEO site, that would be an external link.
Different Types of internal Links

Why Is Internal Linking So Crucial?

Enhances User Experience

Internal linking provides your website visitors with further reading options, making their experience on your site more engaging and informative. This can potentially lead to a longer stay and more page views, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable.

Boosts Page Authority

Let's take a page from your website that's performing well in search rankings. By linking to a less popular page from this high-performing page, you can spread the link equity, potentially improving the rankings of the lesser-known page. In SEO lingo, this is often referred to as "link juice".

Improves Website Navigation

Internal linking helps in structuring your website in a clear and hierarchical manner. For instance, seobase's Homepage might have internal links to its 'Services' and 'Blog' sections, ensuring users can easily navigate to these crucial pages.

Boosts Page Indexation

Search engines like Google use bots to crawl websites. A well-structured internal linking system can ensure that these bots find all the pages on your site, improving the chances of better page indexation.

Best Practices for Internal Linking

Best Practices for Internal Linking

Use Anchor Text Wisely

Anchor text is the visible and clickable text in a hyperlink. Instead of generic phrases like "click here", use descriptive keywords. For instance, "learn more about What Is Internal Linking" is more SEO-friendly and descriptive than "click here".

Don’t Overdo It

While it's great to have multiple internal links, stuffing too many can make your content look spammy. Ensure the links are relevant to the context.

Regularly Check for Broken Links

A broken internal link can lead to a poor user experience. Tools like seobase backlink Checker can help identify and rectify such issues.

backlink checker tool to fix Broken Links

Wrapping Up

Now that you understand What Is Internal Linking and its significance, it's time to implement these insights. A well-strategized internal linking system can not only elevate user experience but also enhance your website’s SEO performance. Start by reviewing your site's current linking structure and making adjustments as necessary.

For those keen on diving deeper into SEO intricacies, consider exploring more on seobase's Blog. Also, check out external authoritative resources like Moz's Guide on Internal Links for a broader perspective.

Remember, in the vast digital realm, a good internal linking strategy can act as your compass, guiding users seamlessly through your content landscape.

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