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Getting Backlinks

Getting Backlinks: Best Practices and Pitfalls To Avoid

In the vast landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), backlinks remain a critical factor for determining the authority and relevance of a website. But what exactly are backlinks, and how can you effectively get backlinks without risking penalties from search engines like Google?

Join seobase as we explore the dos and don'ts of getting backlinks, providing actionable strategies to bolster your website's SEO performance.


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What are Backlinks in SEO 

Before diving into the strategies for getting backlinks, let's clarify what they are and why they matter in SEO.


Backlinks, also known as inbound links or external links, are hyperlinks that direct users from one webpage to another. Essentially, they serve as "votes of confidence" from other websites, indicating to search engines that your content is valuable and worthy of reference. 

The more high-quality backlinks your site receives, the higher its authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.

Read: 10 Types of Backlinks You Need to Know About

Benefits of Backlinks to Your SEO Strategy 

Getting backlinks plays a crucial role in bolstering the effectiveness of your SEO strategy by providing numerous benefits:

Improved search engine rankings

Backlinks are a primary ranking factor for search engines like Google. Websites with higher-quality backlinks rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords and queries. By getting backlinks from authoritative and relevant sources, you signal to search engines that your content is valuable and worthy of visibility.

Increased website traffic

Getting backlinks serves as a pathway for referral traffic from other websites. When users click on a backlink pointing to your site, they are directed to your content, resulting in an influx of visitors. Increased website traffic can lead to higher engagement, longer session durations, and more conversions.

Enhanced credibility and authority

Getting backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites endorses your content's credibility and expertise. When other websites reference your content through backlinks, it signals to users and search engines that your website is a trusted source within its niche. 

Faster indexing and crawling

When a search engine crawls a webpage and finds a backlink pointing to your site, it follows that link to discover and index your content. By getting backlinks from websites with high crawl rates and authority, you can expedite the indexing process for your content, ensuring it appears in search results more quickly.

Niche relevance and contextualization

Getting backlinks from websites within your industry or niche provides contextual relevance to your content. Websites with similar topics or themes link to your content and strengthen the association between your website and the overarching subject matter. 

Competitive advantage

Acquiring high-quality backlinks can provide a significant competitive advantage in competitive industries and saturated markets. Getting backlinks from authoritative sources can differentiate your website from competitors, increase your visibility in SERPs, and attract a larger share of organic traffic

Backlinks are essential to a successful SEO strategy, offering many benefits that contribute to improved search engine rankings, increased website traffic, enhanced credibility, and long-term sustainability. 

how to get backlinks

Best Practices for Getting Backlinks

Now that we've established its  significance in SEO let's explore the dos of getting backlinks: 

Create high-quality content

The foundation of any successful backlink strategy is high-quality, valuable content. Focus on producing informative, engaging, and shareable content that naturally attracts backlinks from other websites.

Guest blogging

Seek opportunities to contribute guest posts to relevant and authoritative websites within your industry. Guest blogging helps showcase your expertise, establish thought leadership, and get backlinks to your website.

Build relationships

Cultivate genuine relationships with influencers, bloggers, and webmasters in your niche. Engage with them on social media, participate in industry forums, and offer to collaborate on content initiatives. Building rapport can lead to natural backlink opportunities.

Broken link building

Identify broken links on authoritative websites within your niche and reach out to webmasters to suggest replacing them with links to relevant content. This mutually beneficial approach can help you getting backlinks while assisting website owners in maintaining their site's integrity.

Create infographics and visual content

Infographics and visual content are highly shareable and often opportunities for getting backlinks from websites seeking to enrich their own content. Invest in creating visually appealing and informative graphics that other websites will want to feature and link back to.

Monitor competitors

Analyze the backlink profiles of your competitors to identify potential link-building opportunities. Keep track of websites linking to your competitors' content and reach out to them with compelling reasons to link to your website instead.

Here's What You Shouldn't Do 

Here's what you should avoid to create a healthy and robust backlink profile: 

Avoid black hat tactics

Engaging in manipulative or deceptive tactics for getting backlinks, such as buying links, link farming, or keyword stuffing, can result in severe penalties from search engines. These unethical practices can harm your website's reputation and diminish its SEO performance.

Steer clear of irrelevant links

Focus on getting backlinks from websites relevant to your industry or niche. Irrelevant backlinks provide little SEO value and can raise red flags with search engines, potentially leading to penalties.

Don't over-optimize anchor text

While anchor text plays a role in SEO, over-optimizing it using exact match keywords excessively can appear unnatural and manipulative. Instead, strive for a diverse anchor text profile that includes variations of your target keywords, branded terms, and generic phrases.

Avoid low-quality directories

Submitting your website to low-quality or spammy directories can harm your SEO efforts. Focus on reputable and niche-specific directories that provide genuine value to users.

Refrain from mass link-building

Quantity should never outweigh quality when it comes to getting backlinks. Engaging in mass link-building schemes or automated link-building practices can result in many low-quality backlinks that harm your website's SEO more than reasonably.

Remember internal linking

While the focus is often on getting backlinks, internal linking is equally important for SEO. Ensure that your website's internal linking structure is optimized to facilitate navigation, distribute link equity, and enhance your content's discoverability.

what are backlinks in SEO

How to Track Your Backlink Profile Health?

Getting backlinks is only half of an effective strategy. Tracking your backlink profile is essential for understanding the effectiveness of your link-building efforts, monitoring changes in your website's authority, and identifying potential issues such as spammy or toxic backlinks

Here are steps to track your backlink profile effectively:

Utilize backlink analysis tools

seobase Backlink Checker is a powerful tool for analyzing backlink profiles. It offers insights into backlink quantity, quality, anchor text distribution, and changes over time. Users can monitor competitors, set custom alerts, and access historical data for informed decision-making. With its user-friendly interface, seobase Backlink Checker empowers users to optimize their link-building strategies effectively.

Set up Google Search Console

Google Search Console offers a basic but valuable overview of your website's backlink profile. It provides data on external links, referring domains, and top linking pages. Additionally, it alerts you to any manual actions taken against your site for unnatural links.

Monitor changes regularly

Regularly monitor your backlink profile to track changes over time. Look for increases or decreases in the number of getting backlinks, changes in referring domains, and fluctuations in anchor text distribution. Sudden drops in backlinks could indicate potential issues or penalties.

Read: Google Penalty Recovery: Comprehensive Guide

Check referring domains

Evaluate the quality and relevance of referring domains linking to your site. Focus on getting backlinks from authoritative websites within your industry or niche. Identify spammy or low-quality referring domains and disavow them to prevent negative impacts on your SEO.

Regularly audit your backlink profile

Conduct periodic audits of your backlink profile to identify and address broken links, toxic backlinks, or unnatural linking patterns. Regular audits help maintain the health and integrity of your backlink profile and ensure compliance with search engine guidelines.

By following these steps and leveraging the right tools, you can effectively track and manage your backlink profile, ensuring that your link-building efforts contribute to the overall success of your SEO strategy.

Read: The Ultimate Guide To Strong Backlink Profile

backlink profile


Getting backlinks is an integral aspect of SEO that requires a strategic and ethical approach. By adhering to the dos and don'ts outlined in this guide, you can effectively enhance your website's authority, visibility, and credibility in the eyes of both users and search engines. 

Remember, quality and relevance should always precede quantity regarding backlink acquisition.

Keep up with seobase to learn the most effective  SEO tactics!


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