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How to Rank #1 On Google SERPs in 2024

The goal is to rank #1 on Google SERPs. Being on the top of Google's first page means you will have too many to count traffic. You will get clicks and visitors. As a result, your website will catch many eyes. In the end, all this is in the interest of your business. If Google thinks that your website should be at the top on SERPs, that will definitely boost your credibility for your audience.  Ranking #1 on Google SERP is challenging, but it is not impossible as some people think. The hardest thing about being at the top is keeping your rank #1. You can choose the right keywords, import backlinks, create your internal links, track search engine rankings, check SERPs, and many other SEO tips to optimize your website.     Yes, you can fight your way into a top spot and get on top of the Google SERP. So, how do you rank well on the Google SERPs?  Let’s learn with seobase some SEO strategies to rank #1 on Google SERPs in 2024:

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Improve Your Domain Authority

The domain authority (DA) of a website is simply a score on a scale from 0 to 100. The Domain Authority predicts how well a website ranks on search engine result pages (SERPs). The DA evaluates your website by many SEO factors and many other factors. The evaluation has become very important, especially when it replaces Google's PageRank. After the Google PageRank got canceled, Moz simulates Google's ranking algorithm by considering all known factors that can influence rankings. These factors like backlinks, root domains, and your site's history. It takes much time to improve your DA. However, the lower your domain authority is, the easier it is to improve it. Domain authority of 20-30 is reasonably good for a local business. A domain authority in the 40-60 range will set you up for success; however, higher is better.

Get More Backlinks

Backlinks are a vital SEO factor for Google. It allows the Google algorithm values your content. However, getting reliable backlinks from other related sites is one of the most challenging parts of SEO. One of the most creative ways to get more backlinks to your website is through content marketing. Create high-value content on your blog, and people will likely find it and link to it. As a result, they will give you high traffic. In other words, the insightful, valuable, and easy-to-read content will encourage other webmasters to link it out in their articles. The second way to get valuable backlinks is to reach out to other web admins and let them know you exist. By doing so, you increase your chances of linking to your site in their articles. You can use those methods and other techniques to get those precious backlinks.

Creating Internal links Helps To Rank #1 On Google SERPs

Your content probably will not rank #1 on the Google SERP overnight, so you need to vary your ways to rank high on Google. One of these ways is the internal links. The internal links are not less important than the backlinks.  Internal linking is a link or several links in the form of an "Anchor Text" link within a specific topic or article that refers to a page or several pages on the same site.  MOZ has confirmed that the internal link factor of your site's pages helps spiders and the visitor, and site analysis tools, to know the specialization of your site and the essential pages within it easily. This makes the crucial pages of your site rank higher than the rest of the pages. Besides, you get a distinct page authority. For example, when users visit our blog post “Why SEO Is Important For Business” and then find side information about ”On-page SEO” in the content. Our users will be curious to learn about this information, so it would be best to find the knowledge they seek on our website. They will visit another blog post on our site instead of searching for a competitor's site information.  So, the internal links increase your traffic, making your site trustworthy on the search engines. In addition, internal links help improve your page rank and easier indexing.

Choose the Right Keywords To Rank #1 on Google SERPs

The well-planned Keywords strategy is the key to your high ranking on Google SERPs. If you did not choose the right keywords, you will probably not rank high on Google search engine result pages. Keyword research is important and there are a few factors to note about how to choose the right keywords:

Choose Your Keywords Based on Your Domain Authority.

If you have a low score on the domain authority scale, you should probably look for the lowest competition keywords. You can choose low comp keywords and then pick the highest search potential keywords. If you insist on using the higher competition keywords, you can create valued content, but you wouldn't rank #1 on the Google SERPs. 

Consider The Search Intent To Rank #1 on Google SERPs.

For better results, your content should match the search intent, not just the keywords. For example, if a user searches for an "SEO platform," mainly the user intends to hire an SEO platform, not searching for the "9 Best Joomla Alternatives in 2024." So if your content doesn't align with the search intent behind the keywords, it will be a problem.

Use Diverse Keywords To Rank #1 On Google SERPs.

It would be best to diversify your keywords between long-tail and short-tail keywords. This diversity will improve your website reach and make it easier to target users in all buying processes and marketing funnel stages.

Optimize SEO For Website And Check SERPs On Google

Cleaning up the back end of your website is an influential factor in increasing your opportunity to rank #1 on Google SERPs. So, how to clean up your website, the site speed will help you to improve your odds of ranking well.  According to Google, increasing the load time of a page from 1 second to 3 seconds increases the bounce rate by 32%. There is a difference of 2 seconds! At a 10-second load time, the bounce rate goes up by 123%. If you are looking to improve SEO performance or your overall user experience, increasing your website speed is your key. Ranking #1 on the Google SERP is a great goal that every web owner should seek for. Checking SERPs shows you how much organic search traffic you get from all the keywords you use. You can use the SERPs checker tool for local SERP analysis. The SERP check lets you see actual-time search results from any location with no proxies and location-specific IP addresses. The SERP Checker Tool That Helps You to Get To the Top

How Could Seobase Help You To Check SERPs To Rank #1 On Google SERPs?

In seobase, we could help you keep your rank high on Google SERPs. Seobase offers you the best Online SEO Tools in 2024:

Keywords Explorer: 

You should use the right keywords to rank high on SERPs. Keyword Explorer allows you to find keywords that will help you quickly get to the top of SERP results.

Rank Tracker:

You can create tracking for desktop and mobile platforms using the seobase Rank Tracker tool. In addition, you can know the organic traffic potential of your website.

SERPs Checker: 

Checking the search engine result pages is one of the most important things to keep your rank high on Google SERPs. Seobase provides a SERP Checker tool that allows you to check SERP results. SERP Checker analyzes and compares the strengths and weaknesses of your website.


Ranking #1 on Google SERPs is the best way to motivate your business growth. You need to check your SERPs consistently. So if your SEO strategy doesn't work well or there's something off about your ranking on Google SERPs. seobase would love to help you check your SERPs using the SERP checker tool to give you the results you need.

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