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How to get higher in local search with SERP Checker

How to Rank Higher in Local Search In 2024

While the popularity of universal search has tapered off, local search has been climbing for years. A recent study by Infodocket found that 77% of consumers start local searches at Google. 

This means prospects are first looking for businesses in their area before considering brands from other cities and countries. You're in the right place if you want a high ranking in local search; tools like SERP Checker by seobase can help you check your local SERP rankings. 

Local search marketing can be a great source of leads and sales for your business, but you can't ignore everything else on the web. Ranking higher in local search requires smart SEO. The following strategies will help you get better results from local search marketing in the future.

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Build backlinks

These are the links that point to your website. The more of these you have, the more authoritative you appear in the SERP. 

The goal of building backlinks to rank higher in a geographically specific search is to attract targeted leads. You can participate in industry-specific directories, such as Yelp or Foursquare

These directories are great resources for testimonials, but you should know that you may have to pay a small fee to join. You can also build your link profile by joining social networking sites like LinkedIn and Instagram. 

One of the best ways to build backlinks is by participating in community outreach. Start by linking with local businesses in your area and related industry sites. It will help your business's social engagement and local search rankings. 

Building links to a website can help your local search ranking. You can build these links by contacting local bloggers, business owners, or other relevant websites in your area. In addition to this, you can also use social media to get backlinks. Once you have a few good links, you can build relationships with these bloggers and businesses. This will make the process much easier for you.

Optimize Your Website’s Homepage

Your homepage should contain clear information about your business so that Google can easily understand and rank your business. Also, try to include your location in your header and title tags. 

Your business name and address should be prominently displayed, and it would help if you also used a good description for each site page. Your website should also be mobile-friendly, vital for local search optimization. If your website is slow on mobile devices, your website will lose top search positions and lose lots of traffic. 

You can use AMP to improve your mobile page speed for content and compress images. For the best mobile experience, display your most important content first. Make sure your site is mobile-responsive. A key component of local SEO is offering the best user experience on the go.

Add subcategories to Google My Business Listing

By categorizing your business correctly, you can ensure that your listing appears in the most relevant SERP. Consider your business type: You can choose "clothes" and exclude other categories if you're a clothes store. 

For example, if you're a divorce attorney, you can add a category called "divorce attorneys.” Adding a subcategory will help your listings be found more frequently by searchers. The best way to choose types is to choose a primary category and add subcategories for your services. 

While the primary category is the most important, the secondary types are crucial for relevance and ranking. For example, if you're a divorce attorney, you'd want to choose divorce and family law as your subcategories. 

It's essential to ensure that your business description is relevant to the category that best fits your business. If you have a website or blog, you can list a blog under it.

Build niche local business citations

Create relevant and valuable citations that are unique to your business. You can use popular business directories to get your business listed; most of them are free to create and do not require a link to your website. 

The more mentions your business has on quality websites, the better its chances are to appear in local searches. More mentions mean more credibility, increasing your visibility and making you more likely to be contacted. However, you should build 80 or more if you want to rank high in local search. 

Remember that the more citations your business has, the better it will be for your local SEO. The best way to build niche local business citations is to get a lot of mentions for your business in different places. 

This will make it easier for local SEO Google to verify your business. It will also help to have links on the citations to get more traffic. Getting a good amount of traction in local search will improve your visibility. But before you begin building sources, remember that the more you have, the better.

Use Schema Markup

This code describes the main entities on your website and is easily readable by search engines like Google. It helps the search engines present this information in listings. Using schema markup is essential for ranking high in local searches, as it improves your website's ranking. 

A typical example is a review schema, a consumer review from a review website. Use this markup to give the Google local SEO results from an average review score. Adding schema markup to your website is not essential to get a ranking boost from Google. But having it in your code can help you get higher rankings. 

While you will not get a direct ranking boost with schema, it will help make your site more relevant to the local community. It will also help Google determine if your website is an actual business and not just an online store. 

In addition to the usual SEO tactics, you can also use schema markup to increase your visibility. These are rich snippets that appear prominently in the search results. 

Rich snippets are an effective way to improve your visibility online. In addition to boosting your website's visibility in SERPs, schema markup improves the quality of your content. It helps you match your content to the user's intent and make your website more relevant.

Manage Citation Distribution

The more citations your business has, the better, as Google uses them to rank your site. The more authoritative your sources are, the more likely they will rank high for your business. Don't let them go to waste! 

Adding citations to the directory can increase their visibility in local search results and improve their Google rankings. However, these methods only work if you use them consistently and effectively. Ensure you have a consistent NAP across all channels to represent your business as accurately as possible. 

One way to boost your rankings on a local search is to manage citation distribution. Regarding citation management, tools are available that make the process relatively simple. 

For example, Moz Local allows you to add citations to the website you're already listed on. The citations can help boost your local authority and reputation, which will help your business get higher results for local searches. 

The tool also offers tools to manage a listing's content so that you can manage citations without any technical expertise. You can establish and maintain a consistent online presence for your business. You can use citations to increase your search ranking, but they can also help your customers see that you are a reputable business, which will help you gain more local visibility.

Build Authority Citations

Building authority citations is essential for local search rankings. Citations are a vital rank tracker tool that provides Google with the necessary information to rank you higher in local searches. 

If you have a physical location, including this information on your site is helpful. You can use the phone number to reach people in the area. Many people will see your business listing on local directories if you're located in a central metropolitan area. 

The best places to build citations for your business include yellow pages, trusted verticals, niche directories, and local domains such as newspapers and chambers of commerce. As you can see, this strategy can help your website rank higher in local searches, and it's worth doing. However, it would help if you were sure only to submit high-quality citations and make sure to verify your business.

Use Hyper-localization

If you want to get your website rank tracking for local searches, you should use hyper-localization. When someone searches for a specific location, they will see hyper-local results. These tactics help consumers find you and increase your rank tracker on the search engine. 

By incorporating hyper-local content into your website, you can improve your website's visibility in search results. This strategy will allow you to get your business listed in the top positions for relevant keywords. In addition, hyper-local content will help consumers locate your business quickly.

Final Thoughts

Whether your business is local to a specific region or a country, it's desirable to appear at the top of search results on app stores and search engines. Ranking higher in local search results requires time and money, but you can't be too patient or impatient. It's a culmination of the two. 

So spend your money on link building and wait for those links to boost the rankings. While at it, ensure you work on your local rankings. You'll want to start doing both now so that you don't have to scramble later in an attempt to catch up.

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