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Top 10 Tips With Keyword Research

Top 10 Tips With Keyword Research

The key to a successful website comes down to one crucial factor: conversions. Without them, you're not going to make any money. To increase conversions, you need more traffic coming in from search engines and social media marketing. But before you start throwing all your time and effort into these strategies, it's important that you do some keyword research first! In this blog post, we will go over ten tips for conducting effective keyword research so that you can get the most out of every strategy!

  1. Trending topics

Trends are always changing, so it's important to stay up-to-date on what people are searching for. Take advantage of Google Trends to see what's trending in your field. You can also go directly to YouTube or Twitter and check their public data for the top searches. Once you've found a topic that people search heavily for, make sure it aligns with your industry! This will give you an idea of where the market is heading. The higher volume of related searches, the more relevant your keyword is. If you can't find any trending topics that are relevant to what you're selling or blogging about, it's time to get creative! If there isn't anything popular in your niche for people to search up on Google and YouTube, try looking at hashtags on Twitter. Since they're all related to a specific topic, you can use them as inspiration for finding the perfect keywords! For example: If I wanted to do an Instagram marketing campaign, I could search up hashtags like "#marketing" or "#advertising." This will give me tons of similar ideas that are trending right now. You can also find words that are closely related to your niche instead of just one main keyword.


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  1. Use Google Autocomplete

You can easily find hundreds of great keywords just by typing in one simple word. With this tool, you'll be able to see what words people are searching up on Google and how often they're searched for. To access the feature, go onto any search engine and type in a keyword or topic related to your website or business. Then, click the "Get Ideas" button on Google Autocomplete, and you'll be presented with a list of other related terms that people are searching for! For example: If I typed in "blogging," it would bring up suggestions like blogging tips, best blogs, etc. This will give me tons of new ideas so I can expand my blogging knowledge! You'll need to have your keywords separated by commas, spaces or dashes for Google Autocomplete to work. If you're having trouble finding the right keywords, this tool is one of the quickest and simplest solutions. It's important to remember that these autocomplete suggestions aren't always exactly what people are searching for. However, they are still great ideas for inspiration! Note: This tool will only work on one single keyword at a time. If you're looking for more related terms that aren't based on your main topic or phrase, try using Google Trends instead.

  1. Use Topic clusters

Topic clusters are a great way to find out what your target audience is searching up on Google. After going through the process, you'll have a list of related keywords that will be perfect for your website! To use topic clusters, enter three or more different topics into Google Correlate and click "Get Clusters." For example: If I wanted to find out what topics my target audience was searching up on Google, I would type in "Tumblr," "website traffic," and "online business." After clicking the search button, you'll be given a list of clusters representing different keywords related to each topic! This will give me tons of new ideas like blog traffic, website design and online marketing. It's super simple to use this tool! Once you've found a few topic clusters that might be relevant for your site or blog post, type in words into Google Correlate. This will give you an idea of how often they're searched up on Google, so it'll be easier to determine if they're a good fit for you!

  1. Branded keyphrases

Using the right branded keyphrases is another great way to expand your authority online. Once you've found out what people are searching for, it's time to find the best possible keywords that relate directly to your brand! To do this, use the Google Adwords Keyword tool and type in a phrase or topic related to your site or blog post. Then, click on "Get ideas," and you'll be shown a list of suggestions related to your topic!

  1. Co-occurring keywords

Using Google Trends is another great way to find out what your audience might be searching up. It shows the most relevant searches in certain areas and inspires new topics or ideas! To use this tool, type in a topic that's related to your blog post like "online business" and click on "change data range." You'll then be shown a list of related key phrases that are most searched up in the past few years! It's important to remember that these results are not exact matches, so it might take some time before you can use them in your content or blog posts! However, they're still great ways to expand your knowledge on certain topics so you can be better informed when it comes to writing. Ensure that you can check out Google trends on your mobile device, too. That way, you'll always be able to gather new ideas whenever inspiration strikes!

  1. PPC performance

Another great way to find out what your audience is searching for is by checking PPC performance. This will let you know which keywords bring in the most traffic and make the biggest impact on your site! To do this, open up Google Analytics and head over to Traffic Sources > Search Engine Optimization. Then click "Paid" at the top, and you'll see the keywords that are bringing in the most traffic! You can also use tools like SEMrush to check this up for any of your competitors. This will give you an idea about what works best when it comes to SEO, so you know which topics or phrases might be worth focusing on if you or your competitors are not already targeting them! It's important to remember that this is not an exact science, so you shouldn't be too worried if your keywords aren't bringing in traffic right away. There are many other factors like social media, backlinks and content quality that also play a huge role in SEO!

  1. Observe What your competitors are doing

It's always a good idea to see what your competitors are doing! It doesn't have to be direct competitors either. You can also look at top bloggers or other big influencers in the industry that you might want to target for guest posts or backlinks! The best way to do this is to head over to Google and type in their name. Then, click on "search tools" and select "Topic." You'll then be able to find out what content they're focusing on so you can get an idea of how you could write about that topic yourself! This helps ensure that your audience will love the article, so you know it will be worth the time and effort! Most importantly, you'll also be able to find new keywords that relate directly to your brand! This is especially important for influencers since they always try new strategies like guest blogging or social media promotions. Keep an eye on these people, and don't forget to keep up with the latest trends, so you know what's hot right now! SERP analysis is also a good way to see what's working best for your competitors! You can use keyword research tools to check out their rankings and find the keywords that are bringing them traffic. This will help you determine which topics might be worth focusing on if you or your competitors are not already targeting them! Just remember, don't copy other people and make sure always to do something unique that sets you apart from the competition! While it's good to get inspiration from other bloggers, don't forget to make your blog posts truly unique so you can attract more readers over time!

  1. Adapt

One of the most important parts of blogging is to adapt and change! That's why it's always a good idea to check out trends in your industry so you can keep up with what people want. For example, if your blog posts are mainly focused on digital marketing, there might be new social media platforms or apps that have just been released. This means it's time to start researching and writing about these new topics so you can attract the most traffic! It also gives your readers something new that they didn't know before, which might encourage them to leave comments or share with their friends. You should always be trying out new strategies for blogging since constant changes are happening in the industry! Whether it's a new app or social media platform, try to adapt and change your content so you can stay ahead of the curve. This doesn't just apply to blogging, either. It also means that if something isn't working well for you, you should change it up as fast as possible! If readers aren't responding to your blog posts, then try to change your keywords or topics. Remember that it's all about the audience, and you should always be willing to adapt to make them happy!

  1. Research your audience

As the saying goes, "it's all about who you know!" This is true when it comes to blogging since your audiences are essentially your friends! That means that you should always be researching and looking for new ways to connect with them. You can start by using social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, where people will leave comments on your posts. You should also try to join different groups or forums so you can connect with other members of your industry! Try to get involved in the conversation and leave comments on other articles too. This will help form relationships that could lead to future collaborations, guest blogging opportunities or even backlinks which are all great for SEO purposes! It's also important to remember that your blog posts also need to sound as natural as possible. Make sure you're not just saying things like "you" and try to connect with the reader. This is what successful bloggers do since they know their audience better than anyone else! This means researching and knowing about their likes, dislikes, hobbies and so on. This will help you create a better blog post since it's all about catering to your readers! If they want information, then give them the info. If they're looking for something fun and lighthearted, then you should change up your tone as well.

  1. Get Specific

One of the worst things you can do is be too vague with your blog posts. This means that you should always try to get as specific as possible! Ensure you're using keywords and phrases that people could easily search for when they want more information about a topic. For example, if someone was looking for fashion blogs, then writing something like "dress for the occasion" isn't very helpful. Instead, try using phrases like how to pick out a dress that matches your skin tone and hair color! This is just one example of why you should always get specific with your blog posts since it makes them easier to find online. If people are looking for something, they should be able to find it, and the easier you make their life then, the more likely they are to come back! This relates to social media as well since people want quick results. You should try making your blog posts as easy as possible so that readers can get what they're looking for without wasting too much time! This is why including keywords and being specific are both great for your blog posts. In conclusion, keyword research is essential for blogging since it helps drive traffic to your website. You should always be looking for new keywords and phrases that will help people find you online, which means making your blog posts as specific as possible! By following these tips, you'll be on your way to blogging success in no time! 

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