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Featured snippets

Types Of Content That Google Prioritizes For Featured Snippets

Google featured snippets have become a game-changer in the SEO world. These concise, information-packed nuggets at the top of Google's search results offer valuable visibility and traffic. But what types of content does Google prioritize for snippets, and how can you get your content featured?

Join seobase to explore the various types of featured snippets, provide tips to secure them, and shed light on the benefits of making snippets a central part of your SEO strategy.


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What are Featured Snippets?

Google featured snippets, often called Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) snippets, are concise summaries of web content that Google displays at the top of its search results. These snippets aim to answer users' questions quickly and effectively, making them a valuable resource for searchers.

Read: How Google SERP Features Negatively Impact Business?

types of featured snippets

Types of Featured Snippets

There are several featured snippets, each catering to different queries. Here are the primary types that Google prioritizes:

1. Paragraph snippets

Keyword Example: "How to bake a perfect chocolate cake"

Paragraph snippets are the most common type of featured snippets. They typically consist of a brief text excerpt directly answering a user's query. Google pulls this content from web pages it deems authoritative and relevant to the search query.

  • Tips to Get Featured: Craft explicit, concise, well-structured content that addresses common user questions and queries.

2. List snippets

Keyword Example: "10 tips for better sleep"

List snippets present information in a structured, numbered, or bulleted format. Google often selects these snippets when the query pertains to step-by-step guides, instructions, or lists.

  • Tips to Get Featured: Organize your content using lists or bullet points, ensuring it's easy for Google to extract and display.

3. Table snippets

Keyword Example: "Nutritional comparison of fruits."

Table snippets feature data presented in a tabular format. These Google featured snippets are prevalent for comparisons, statistics, and data-driven information queries.

  • Tips to Get Featured: Structure your data in well-organized tables and provide clear, informative headings and labels.

4. Video snippets

Keyword Example: "How to change a car tire video."


Video snippets include video thumbnails along with a brief description. They are often chosen when a query demands visual or instructional content.

  • Tips to Get Featured: Create high-quality, informative videos with detailed descriptions, transcripts, and relevant tags.

5. Featured image snippets

Keyword Example: "Pictures of cute puppies"

Featured image snippets showcase images pulled from web pages. These are common for image-focused queries.

  • Tips to Get Featured: Optimize your images with descriptive alt text and ensure they're high-quality.

6. FAQ snippets

Keyword Example: "What are the benefits of meditation?"

FAQ snippets display a list of frequently asked questions along with their respective answers. They're ideal for queries with multiple aspects or dimensions.

  • Tips to Get Featured: Include a dedicated FAQ section on your web page, structured with straightforward questions and answers.

Structure of Content in Snippets

A few key elements consistently stand out when delving into the content structure within featured snippets. These elements include:


Snippets use structured subheadings:

  • Introduction: A concise response to the user's query.

  • Subheading 1: Elaboration or step-by-step details.

  • Subheading 2: In-depth insights for complex queries.

  • Conclusion: Summarizes main points.

Bullet points and lists

Google featured snippets often employ bullet points and lists for clarity, especially for how-to guides or item listings.

Content length

Snippets maintain brevity, with paragraph responses of 40-60 words. However, longer content addressing complex queries can also be featured, emphasizing quality and relevance.

Domain authority and backlinks

Google favors content from authoritative domains and pages. A robust backlink profile enhances trustworthiness and selection for snippets.

Content freshness

Timely updates are vital for news and current events, while evergreen content can secure snippet positions.

User engagement metrics

While not direct determinants, low bounce rates, and longer session durations indicate engaging content, indirectly influencing snippet selection.

Structured content in Google featured snippets improves user experience, increases visibility, and aids voice search optimization, providing a competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

google serp snippet

Benefits of Featured Snippets

Now that you know how to get Google featured snippets, let's explore the benefits of securing these coveted spots:

Increased visibility

Google featured snippets appear at the top of the search results, making your content highly visible to users. This prime placement can lead to a significant increase in organic traffic.

Enhanced authority

Earning a featured snippet signifies that Google considers your content authoritative and relevant. Snippets can enhance your website's overall credibility and authority in your niche.

Higher click-through rates (CTR)

Users often click on the featured snippet to access more information. This can result in higher click-through rates compared to traditional organic listings.

Improved user experience

Google featured snippets provide quick and concise answers to their queries. By delivering a better user experience, you increase the chances of users engaging with your content further.

Competitive advantage

Securing a featured snippet can give you a competitive edge over other websites in your niche. It allows you to stand out and establish your brand as an industry leader.

Featured Snippets vs. Non-featured 

While Google featured snippets featured snippets offer numerous benefits, it's essential to understand how they compare to non-snippet content in various aspects of SEO and user engagement. Let's examine the key differences:

Visibility in search results

  • Snippet Content: Featured snippets are displayed prominently at the top of the search results, often above the traditional organic listings. This prime real estate increases visibility and catches the user's attention immediately.

  • Non-Snippet Content: Non-snippet content appears in the standard organic search results, typically below the featured snippet. While still valuable, non-snippet content may draw less initial attention.

Click-through rates (CTR)

  • Snippet Content: Featured snippets can lead to higher click-through rates (CTR) because users often click on the snippet to access more information. However, some users may find their answer in the snippet rather than proceed to the source page.

  • Non-Snippet Content: Non-snippet content may have lower CTR when compared to featured snippets, especially for informational queries. Users might need to scroll down or explore multiple search results to find the information they seek.

User engagement

  • Snippet Content: Google featured snippets provide quick, concise answers, improving the user experience by immediately addressing the query. However, the snippet's brevity may limit user engagement on the source page since the query may be resolved without further exploration.

  • Non-Snippet Content: Non-snippet content encourages deeper user engagement, as users are likelier to read the entire article or explore related content on the website. This can lead to longer session durations and more page views.

Content depth and detail

  • Snippet Content: Featured snippets typically offer concise answers, making them suitable for straightforward queries. However, they may need to provide more in-depth information or cover complex topics comprehensively.

  • Non-Snippet Content: Non-snippet content has the advantage of offering more comprehensive coverage of a topic. It allows for greater depth, detailed explanations, and a broader range of information, which can be particularly valuable for users seeking in-depth knowledge.

Authority and credibility

  • Snippet Content: Earning a featured snippet suggests that Google recognizes the content as authoritative and relevant. This can enhance the website's credibility and reputation.

  • Non-Snippet Content: Non-snippet content can also establish authority, but it may require users to explore the full article or browse the website to recognize the expertise fully.


  • Snippet Content: Featured snippets are especially effective on mobile devices due to their concise nature, offering quick answers without extensive scrolling or clicking.

  • Non-Snippet Content: Non-snippet content should also be mobile-friendly, but users may need to navigate more extensively to access the desired information.

  • Read: How to Make a Website Mobile-Friendly?

Competitive advantage

  • Snippet content: Securing a featured snippet can provide a competitive advantage by differentiating your content from competitors and positioning your brand as an industry leader.

  • Non-snippet content: Non-snippet content can still compete effectively in organic search results, but it may require strong SEO efforts and a well-established online presence to stand out.

Featured snippets offer unique advantages. However, non-snippet content provides the opportunity for more comprehensive coverage of topics, deeper user engagement, and the establishment of authority over time. Successful SEO strategies often combine snippet and non-snippet content to cater to diverse user needs and preferences.

How to Get Featured Snippets

Now that we've covered the types of featured snippets, let's delve into strategies for securing them. Here are some tips to get featured snippets:

1. Identify snippet opportunities

Start by identifying keywords and queries relevant to your content that trigger featured snippets. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can help you discover these opportunities. Once identified, focus on optimizing your content for these specific queries.

2. Create high-quality content

Google values authoritative and well-researched content. Ensure that your content is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. It should be the best answer to the user's query, making it more likely to be featured.

3. Use clear formatting

Organize your content in a way that's easy for Google to extract. Use clear headings, lists, tables, and bullet points where appropriate. This enhances the user experience and increases your chances of being featured.

4. Provide direct answers

Anticipate the questions your target audience might ask and provide straightforward answers. Use concise language, and make sure the answer is within the first few sentences of your content.

5. Optimize for mobile

With the increasing use of mobile devices for web searches, ensure your content is mobile-friendly. Google is more likely to feature content that provides an excellent mobile user experience.

6. Leverage structured data

Implement structured data markup on your web pages. This helps Google understand the content's context and structure, increasing the chances of being featured.

7. Monitor and iterate

Regularly monitor your rankings and featured snippets. If you lose a snippet, analyze why and make improvements accordingly. Continuously update and enhance your content to maintain your position.


Also read What is Canonicalization in SEO and How it Works

how to get featured snippet


In the competitive world of SEO, understanding the types of content that Google prioritizes for snippets is crucial. You can increase your chances of earning featured snippets by tailoring your content to align with these preferences and implementing effective optimization strategies. The benefits, including increased visibility, authority, and user engagement, are well worth the effort. 

So, start optimizing your content today and harness the power of featured snippets to boost your SEO and dominate the Google SERP snippet competition.

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