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What Are The Core Web Vitals & How to Improve Them

In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. However, it's more than having a visually appealing website or a catchy tagline. 

Google's core values prioritize the user experience above everything else, and this is where the concept of "Core Web Vitals" comes in. Simply put, Core Web Vitals is a set of key metrics that Google uses to assess the user experience of a website. 

In this blog post, seobase discusses the definition, why they're important as a ranking factor, and how to improve them. We'll also dive into the Core Web Vitals test and check to help you optimize your website's performance and enhance the vital core of your online presence.


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What Are Core Web Vitals?

Simply put, they are a vital core set of page speed and user interaction measurements that Google considers essential for a webpage's overall user experience.  Core Web Vitals is a subset of factors contributing to Google's "page experience" score and are considered a core ranking factor for websites. Furthermore, to check your website's Core Web Vitals, perform a Core Web Vitals test or check the "enhancements" section of your Google Search Console account. It's a definition of the specific factors that Google considers essential for a web page's user experience. Moreover, you can focus on optimizing the largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift.

Why Are Core Web Vitals Important?

Google's core values include providing users with an excellent page experience, which is why page experience will be an official Google ranking factor soon. This score will combine mobile-friendliness, HTTPS, safe browsing, and lack of interstitial pop-ups However, the most crucial component of this score will be Core Web Vitals, which is the set of page speed and user interaction measurements. They will be a core ranking factor for websites, and you can check your website's Core Web Vitals score through a test or by checking the "enhancements" section of your Google Search Console account. If you're wondering what is Core Web Vitals, it's the definition of specific factors that Google considers essential for a web page's user experience. Improving your Web Vitals score will help you get a better page experience score. Still, it's essential to remember that page experience is only one of approximately 200 factors that Google uses to rank sites.  You have until next year to improve your Core Vital scores, so you don't need to panic. This guide will show you how to improve the three Core Web Vitals. 


Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

They are the vital core of page speed measurements. According to Google's core values, these vitals are crucial for providing a good user experience.  The Core Web Vitals test focuses on three aspects: 

These metrics are considered a vitals ranking factor, and meeting these criteria is essential for website owners who want to provide the best possible user experience.  Removing unnecessary third-party scripts, upgrading your web host, setting up lazy loading, removing significant page elements, and minifying your CSS are essential.  Checking your score is essential for optimizing your website's performance, and you can do so using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and the Core Web Vitals check in Google Search Console.

First Input Delay (FID)

Moving on to Google's second Core Web Vital, the First Input Delay (FID) measures the time a user takes to interact with your page.  Google considers FID a critical metric because it considers how real-life users interact with websites, and they have specific criteria for what constitutes an acceptable FID.  While FID technically measures how long it takes something to happen on a page, it goes one step beyond that and measures the time it takes for users to do something on your page.  For pages with login or sign-up forms or any page where users need to click on something quickly, FID is a vital core metric. To improve FID scores, you can minimize or defer JavaScript, remove any non-critical third-party scripts, and use a browser cache to help load content on your page faster. 


Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Another metric that Google uses to measure the overall quality of a page is Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Essentially, CLS checks how stable a page is as it loads, also known as visual stability.  Pages with high CLS scores have elements that move around during the loading process, which can be frustrating for users who need to reorient themselves on the page.  To rank well on the core web vitals test, it's essential to maintain a low CLS score. To do so, use set size attribute dimensions for any media, reserve space for ads elements, and add new UI elements below the fold.  By following these steps, you can help ensure that your page maintains its visual stability and provides a better user experience. 


Core Web Vitals: Conclusion

In conclusion, they are essential aspect of website optimization that can significantly impact a site's performance and ranking on Google. These vital core metrics measure the user experience of a website, including loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.  By understanding the definition of Core Web Vitals and performing a Core Web Vitals test or check, website owners can gain valuable insights into their website's performance and identify areas for improvement.  As Google's core values continue to prioritize user experience, they are becoming an increasingly important ranking factor for websites.  By following best practices and implementing strategies to improve Core Web Vitals, website owners can provide a better user experience, increase engagement, and improve their website's ranking on search engines. Use seobase SEO tools to improve your website's entire health.

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