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structured data in SEO

What Is Structured Data in SEO and How It Works?

As search engine optimization (SEO) becomes increasingly competitive, businesses and marketers constantly seek new ways to improve their online presence and rank higher in search results. Furthermore, one recent approach that has gained popularity is using structured data for SEO. But what exactly is structured data in SEO, and how does it work?

In this blog post, seobase will explore the basics of structured data for SEO, including what it is, why it's important, the different types of structured data available, and how it can help businesses improve their search rankings. So, let's dive in and learn more about the power of schema markup and structured data in SEO.


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What is Structured Data?

Structured data is a crucial element of SEO that involves organizing information in code snippets to help search engines better comprehend a website's content. By using structured data for SEO, web admins can enhance the appearance of their website's snippets on the search engine result page (SERP) and make them more appealing to users. There are numerous types of structured data, such as "HowTo," "Article," "Event," and "Organization" markup, among others. Moreover, one such example of structured data for SEO is the "Recipe" markup, which can appear as a rich result in the SERP. Therefore, implementing different types of structured data can enhance a website's visibility and user engagement. So, here is an example to give you deep insight into the structure data in SEO (The images ref. are from Mangools): 

what is structured data in SEO

 Also, this is the structured data format as a script on a webpage: 

types of structured data

Why is Structured Data Important?

Structured data is a vital aspect of on-page SEO that website owners should pay close attention to. Furthermore, it refers to data organization in a specific format that search engines can easily understand. Incorporating structured data for SEO purposes can be highly advantageous for two key reasons:

  • Firstly, it helps search engines comprehend your content more accurately.
  • Secondly, it can boost your pages' visibility and click through rate in search results.

Therefore, it is crucial to consider what structured data in SEO is and how it can benefit your website's performance.

1. It improves relevancy

Structured data plays a crucial role in SEO by aiding search engines, such as Google, in comprehending a website's content. Unlike regular text, search engines have an easier time understanding structured data, which enables the website to convey the meaning of its content more effectively. As a result, implementing structured data for SEO can assist Google in gaining a better understanding of a website's pages and displaying its content in more relevant search queries.

2. It boosts CTR

Structured data for SEO can be presented in the form of rich snippets on the search engine results page (SERP), which can significantly enhance a webpage's click-through rate (CTR). When a web crawler visits a webpage, it also search for any structured data that can be utilized to create an aesthetically enhanced snippet for that page in the search results. Rich results are the primary motivation for website owners to incorporate structured data into their pages since they are far more visually appealing than regular search snippets. Webpages that appear as rich results have a more significant potential to attract organic traffic from Google. Furthermore, it is remarkable how they can stand out from ordinary snippets in the SERP. Therefore, understanding what structured data in SEO is and how it can benefit a website search visibility is vital for website owners.  

how important is schema markup for SEO

Pro Tip: Structured data for SEO is not only limited to search engines but can also be utilized for social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Social networks utilize structured data to create the shared object in their feeds, including title, URL, featured image, author, and other relevant information. To ensure that structured data is correctly implemented, using OpenGraph and validating the code snippets using appropriate validation tools is crucial. Properly implementing structured data can enhance a website's performance across various platforms, not just search engines. Therefore, it is vital to understand the structured data in SEO and its potential applications beyond search engines.

Is structured data a ranking signal?

No, structured data for SEO does not act as a severe ranking factor for Google. While implementing structured data can enhance a webpage's visibility in the search engine results page (SERP) and improve its click-through rate (CTR), it cannot improve its ranking in search results. Structured data can only aid in displaying a webpage's content in more relevant search queries, leading to better exposure and potentially more organic traffic. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the role of structured data in SEO and its limitations in influencing a webpage's ranking position in search results. Pro Tip: Structured data for SEO can be incorporated into email templates as well. Furthermore, email providers, such as Gmail, use structured data to markup and present crucial information within their content in a more visually enhanced manner. For instance, structured data can more effectively display event reservations, orders, or product cards. By incorporating structured data in email templates, website owners can make their emails more engaging and informative for the recipients. Therefore, understanding the potential applications of structured data in SEO, including email marketing, is vital.

What is Schema Markup (and How Does it Work)?

Schema markup (also known as schema.org) plays a vital role in structured data for SEO by providing a standardized language that organizes and describes webpage content in a way that search engines can understand. Its vocabulary helps search engines like Google to display a web page's content more effectively and attractively within the search results. Moreover, Schema.org was developed in 2011 by significant search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo!) to establish a universal format for structured data that any website owner can use. Schema markup utilizes a hierarchical system of "Types" and "Properties" to describe small content on the page in an organized and understandable manner for Google. Moreover, each type can contain additional sub types with Properties that further explain their meaning. In summary, schema markup is crucial for structured data in SEO as it provides a standardized language for organizing and describing webpage content, enabling search engines to understand better and display it within the search results. Pro Tip: It's vital to note that schema.org offers a wide range of "Types" and "Properties" covering various topics and data that can be marked up in webpage content, such as products, music, videos, organizations, and more. Schema.org provides hundreds of such Types and Properties that can be used to describe and structure webpage content better, making it more understandable to search engines like Google. Furthermore, you can refer to the official schema list to explore the complete list of Types and their attributes. Structured data can be added to webpages using one of the three primary formats that Google understands: JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa. Furthermore, these formats allow website owners to markup content on their pages in a structured way that search engines can easily understand. Let's take a brief overview of each of these formats.


JSON-LD is a widely used markup language for structured data. The most significant benefit of using JSON-LD is that it can be added to a webpage as a standalone code block without affecting the structure of the rest of the HTML document. Moreover, you only need to copy and paste the code snippet into your page's <head> or <body> section. Also, this ensures that your page stays well organized and easy to understand. 

types of schema


Structured data in SEO can be implemented using Microdata, which is based on tags highlighting items and values on a page. Types and Properties of structured data can be marked using HTML attributes such as itemtype and itemprop. However, the downside of Microdata is that every entity or attribute of the content has to be marked individually within the HTML body of the pages. Furthermore, this can be time consuming and chaotic, especially for a larger website, as opposed to the one big block of code JSON-LD can implement. 

Microdata schema


RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes) is a markup language that extends HTML5 and can be utilized for structured data. Furthermore, it functions like Microdata by highlighting content items using typeof and property HTML attributes within the HTML body of the page. 

RDFa schema structured data in seo

 Pro Tip: While Schema markup is the most widely used structured data format for SEO, Google can still understand other types of markup. Furthermore, Microformats and Page Date are examples of such markups. Although not commonly used, they can still help provide structured data to search engines. Moreover, it is worth noting that while structured data is vital for SEO, it is not a direct ranking factor. Nonetheless, it can improve the appearance of your website in search results, leading to higher click through rates and better user engagement.

Which Structured Data May Result in a Rich Snippet?

Structured data is vital for enhancing search results' appearance, and Google supports various schema markups for this purpose. By marking up certain types of content on a page, you can make it eligible to appear as a rich result in the SERP, increasing your visibility and click through rate. Hence, here is a list of currently supported items that can be marked up using structured data for SEO to appear as an enhanced search result:







Local Business

Job Training 


Image License

Practice problems




Review snippet

Home Activities


Sitelinks Search box


Estimated Salary

Subscription content



Fact Check




Software App


Math solvers

  Important note:  Even though marking up your content with schema.org may not always result in a rich snippet, it is still beneficial to use structured data to provide more information about your content, as "schema.org" contains many more items that can be marked up. Pro Tip: To access a variety of rich results for popular search engines, consider checking out the following resources:

  1. Google search gallery.
  2. Yandex markup services.
  3. Microsoft Bing scenarios.

Hence, these tools can help you create structured data that enhance your content and engagement on search engine results pages.

Why Does the Webpage Not Appear as a Rich Result?

Adding structured data through schema markup is a crucial aspect of SEO. However, it is vital to note that simply implementing schema markup does not guarantee that your pages will appear as a rich result in the SERP. While schema markup can indicate the relevance of your content to search engines, it is ultimately up to them to determine whether or not to use it as an enhanced snippet. Therefore, ensuring that your structured data is properly implemented and relevant to your content is vital, as this will increase the likelihood of it being utilized in search results. Various factors, such as the authority and trustworthiness of the website, location, and historical performance, influence the appearance of schema markup in search results. As per John Mueller, a Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst, Google may scale up or down the structured data display for a website or even turn it off completely. Despite the importance of schema markup, there are situations where Google may be unable to use it: Schema markup is a vital element of SEO that can help enhance the appearance of search results. However, there are several reasons why search engines may not use structured data.

  1. Firstly, misleading schema markup, where the content in the structured data does not accurately represent the content on the page.
  2. Secondly, incorrect schema markup implementation means it is not set up correctly for search engines to understand and utilize it for rich results.
  3. Thirdly, hidden content in the structured data is either not present on the page or is concealed from users.
  4. Finally, violating Google's guidelines for structured data may result in search engines ignoring the schema markup altogether.

Note:  It should be noted that even if structured data is implemented correctly on a website homepage, Google will ignore it.

How to Add Structured Data to the Website?

Implementing structured data in SEO is not a complex task, but it does require some practice and logical thinking. Thus, the primary goal of structured data is to assist search engines in comprehending the page's content and how it may benefit users. This goes beyond simply generating rich results. However, it can be overwhelming to accurately describe your website using schema markup, as it offers avast types and properties. When it comes to structured data in SEO, there are certain best practices that you should keep in mind.

  1. First and foremost, use the most specific and applicable types and properties to describe your content accurately.
  2. Secondly, prioritize pages already ranking high in search results to increase the likelihood of appearing as rich results.
  3. Thirdly, provide fewer but complete and accurate properties rather than vague and poorly-formed data that would not be helpful to search engines.
  4. And finally, use JSON-LD format whenever possible. As you implement the most critical schemas to your website, gradually add more information from schema.org to better describe your content.

Pro Tip: If you're new to the concept of structured data, a helpful tip is to try out Google Codelab and its short tutorial. Moreover, this will give you a better understanding of how structured data works and how it can benefit your website's SEO. Furthermore, with practice and some logical thinking, implementing structured data can become an easier task.

So, How to Create and Implement Schema Markups for Your Pages?

Here are some steps you can follow to create and implement schema markups for your pages:

1. Generate markup

Here are a few options that you can use to create structured data in SEO for your pages:

a) Write the script manually

In SEO, structured data plays a significant role, and schema markup is an effective way to implement it on your website. While schema.org provides a valuable reference for creating your markup, it does require some coding experience. However, the benefit of creating your schema markup is the flexibility it offers. Also, you can mark up any content on your website and create complex structured data with a wealth of information for search engines to understand. However, this method can also be time consuming and risky if you lack the necessary skills.

 b) Use markup generators

Various online markup generators can make the task easier when implementing structured data in SEO. Here are some popular options :

  1. Google Structured Data Markup Helper allows you to tag effective content directly on your website, assign appropriate labels, and generate a script (in JSON-LD or Microdata format) that you can download.
  2. Another helpful tool is the Google Data Highlighter, available in the Google Search Console, which can help you tag and highlight key data, like names, dates, and locations, across your entire site.
  3. Alternatively, you can use the Schema Markup Generator (JSON-LD) by Merkle, a user-friendly online tool to input all the necessary information for your content and generate the final version of structured data for your pages.

These markup generators are handy for creating schema markups without requiring extensive coding knowledge, saving you time and effort.

 c) Use schema plugins

Structured data through schema markup is crucial for SEO optimization. SEO plugins can be helpful but may have limitations beyond rich results. Schema plugins simplify generating scripts for automatic implementation on website code. Popular schema plugins for WordPress include:

  • Yoast SEO, allows adding structured data like site names, images, logos, and profiles using JSON-LD format.
  • Yoast WooCommerce SEO, focused on e-commerce sites, provides structured data for all product pages to be eligible for rich results such as reviews and prices.
  • Schema App, an advanced plugin for structured data in SEO, offers a wide range of schema markups, including those for rich results.
structured data for SEO

 Pro Tip: It's worth noting that besides the schema plugins mentioned earlier, numerous other WordPress plugins can help you implement structured data on your website. By visiting the wordpress.org website, you can explore and discover various plugins that best suit your needs. Whether you're looking for plugins that enable the integration of schema markup for specific types of content, or those that provide fully structured data options, you're bound to find something that works for you.

2. Test your structured data

Testing schema markups is a crucial step in optimizing structured data for SEO. Before implementation, it's vital to validate scripts to ensure no errors and see how the structured data would appear as rich results. Fortunately, several testing tools are available for schema markup, which can help streamline the process. Utilizing these tools allows you to efficiently check your structured data and make a necessary adjustment before publishing. Furthermore, testing schema markups are an integral part of SEO optimization for structured data. Here are some testing tools to validate your scripts before publishing them:

  • Using testing tools is a critical step. Google's official Rich Result Test tool is one such tool that allows you to test your schema markups and see the decadent results that can be achieved, as well as how they would appear as a snippet. Whether you test the script separately or copy and paste the URL to test schema markups on a given page, this tool can help streamline optimizing structured data for SEO.
  • Another valuable tool for validating structured data in SEO is the Schema Markup Validator, formerly the Structured Data Testing Tool.

This Google tool can validate all types of structured data from schema.org, not just those used for rich results. Like the Rich Result Test tool, you can copy and paste a code snippet or URL to check for any errors in your schema markup.

  • For validating structured data in SEO, the URL Inspection Tool is another widely-used testing tool available through the Google Search Console.

This tool can help identify schema markup errors and provides valuable insight into the number of items and their descriptions marked up in your schema. In addition, the URL Inspection Tool can also reveal information about rich results that may be found on your pages.

3. Implement markup to your website

Deploying structured data in SEO is a relatively simple process. Also, it will be automatically implemented without any other steps using a CMS or plugin like Yoast SEO that supports schema markup. This streamlined approach to deploying structured data can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on optimizing other aspects of your website for better SEO. Whether you're using plugins or CMS, incorporating structured data markup into your website is vital in improving search engine visibility and driving more traffic to your site. There are a couple of different methods you can use to add schema markup to your website.

  1. One option is to manually add the scripts, which involves copying and pasting code snippets directly into your HTML's <head> or <body>.
  2. Another option is to utilize Google Tag Manager, which allows you to set up structured data without physically inserting the code into your website codebase.

With Google Tag Manager, you can create a Custom HTML tag, paste your code snippet, then publish it.

Structure Data in SEO: Conclusion

In conclusion, we've learned what structured data in SEO is and how it works. Structured data for SEO refers to adding schema markup to your website code to provide search engines with more context and information about your content. It's vital to note schema markup importance for SEO since it can improve search visibility and increase the likelihood of being featured in rich results. Different types of structured data exist, including organization, article, product, and more, and various testing tools to ensure the code is error free. In short, structured data for SEO can impact your website search performance and enhance your online presence. Utilizing the seobase SEO tools can help you improve your website performance regarding the SERPs.

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