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Why Your Website Is Not Ranking In Search Engines

Are you struggling to get your website ranking in search engines? You don't see your website on the top of the first page of Google when you use the Google SERP checker tools. In this article, we'll explain why.  The bad news is that there are many reasons why your website is not ranking high in search results. Some webmasters are trying hard to rank higher on Google but haven't had much success because they miss the top SEO factors to get any website ranked high on SERPs. The good news is that we’ve listed all of these SEO issues that affect your website ranking on SERP Google ranking, and we’ll explain how to overcome these SEO problems. Read seobase post to discover the top 10 reasons why your site is not ranking in search engines search results and how to get your website on the top of Google?


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Your site speed is too slow.

If your website isn’t loading quickly, it will negatively impact your website rank. Slow load times mean visitors won’t spend as much time on your site, so they’ll leave before finding what they were looking for. This means that fewer people will visit your site, and fewer people will click through to your pages. So, how to rank on Google by fixing this?

How to fix slow website speed?

To see your site speed, you can try some free online tools, such as PageSpeed Insights from Google, run a mobile speed test from Google, or access a domain report from a free seobase Site Profiler trial.  You can improve website ranking by fixing your site speed SEO issue with a few simple steps;

  • Reducing image file sizes. 
  • Minimizing the number of videos on a single page.
  • Generally reducing the number of HTTP requests for your site.

Your content isn't building trust.

Do you remember how many times you visited a website and felt that the website pages were just ads without content? No worries, you are not alone; we have all experienced this situation and could not continue browsing this site because the content is incredibly difficult to find. As a result, this does not build trust in the content. Therefore, we can consider this method the best way to lose visitors and their trust. How to make your content build trust and ranking in search engines?

How to build trust in your content to avoid not ranking websites?

Your website content should be trustworthy, but how does your content gain that trust? If your article's topic revolves around your site's importance all the time, it is not trustworthy. What will benefit users in reading how vital your site is! Post useful topics that answer questions from your visitors. But be aware that writing about the topics the target audience aspires to is not the only goal. Still, your goal should be to provide improved, easy-to-read content and honest and reliable information. Also, you should avoid persuading the public to buy through direct CTAs. The audience, if benefited, bought. Using the seobase Google SERP checker tool will give you a clear insight into how this step works in your SEO strategy through the accurate results the tool provides. 


Your content isn't targeting the right keywords.

If you are fuzzy about the purpose of your content and answer specific questions that the search engine bots could understand, you'll have difficulty ranking in search engines. Transparency doesn't just apply to blog articles but to any page of your website. The SEO basic rule to get a website ranked is to make your website clear for the user and optimized for the search engines. So, how to get a ranking in Google?

How to explore the right keywords?

To determine the right keywords for your business, consider people's words when searching online. You can do this by using seobase keyword explorer tool. seobase keyword research SEO tool allows you to see how often certain terms are used concerning your product or service. Once you know the most popular keywords, you can research them further with the top keyword research tools like seobase keyword explorer tool. It also provides you with organic research domain reports. Or you can use the best free online SEO tools like Screaming Frog for keyword research on Google, Google Trends, and Google Insights. A quick tip: Put yourself in your prospects' shoes and imagine how they're referring to your product or service. Accordingly, create an SEO content strategy that works those keywords into them to improve your website ranking. 

You're not publishing regularly.

If you want to rank on search engines, there is no point in posting content regularly if it is not optimized. Despite this, posting content regularly gives a good chance for search engines to see how determined you are to follow the SEO rules.

How to fix this to rank a website?

  • It is highly recommended to publish approximately 2-3 content topics weekly.
  • Writing different topics in the same context as your industry is a good sign for Google to raise your SERPs ranking. The more content there is on your site, the more opportunities Google has to index your content using different keywords.
  • Regular posting usually makes Google crawl your pages within a few hours for some of our content and gives you a better chance of ranking.
  • Also, you can use seobase web-based rank tracker to be aware of your ranking positions.

A simple reminder: If Google starts noticing that you post content regularly, it will reset your site's crawl timelines and visit more frequently.

You don’t implement SEO best practices.

Search engine optimization is how Google sees your content because it needs to display the best content for users searching for keywords about your industry. Google aims to satisfy its users and give them better user experiences by showing the best results and the most relevant to the top of the search engine results pages.

How to implement SEO best practices for high ranking in search engines?

Following SEO best practices is the key to grabbing Google's attention to your website content. However, SEO best practices implementation in each article is a real art. So, how to implement SEO best practices to improve website ranking? Follow the on-page SEO practices, including;

  • Boost Site Speed. 
  • Start Your Title Tag With A Keyword.
  • Make your URLs SEO-Friendly.
  • Optimize Your Images by minimizing and alt tags of target keywords.
  • Using a search engine tracker would make you sure that you're doing it right. 

Your site has poor navigation or is disorganized.

If your site structure isn't straightforward, organized, and easy to navigate, your visitors might end up on your site page and then “bounce” to the SERPs to get a better answer to their questions. So, what can you do to improve your website ranking?

How to give your users a clear map to rank a website?

  • Ensure your navigation menu labels and blog categories are easy to understand quickly.
  • Offer some self-configuration tools to give users a customized website experience that helps them quickly find what they are looking for.

You're in a super competitive market.

Imagine how many competitors you work with in the same industry; they are quite a lot, right?! But, of course, according to the industry's popularity and the multiplicity of competitors, some industries may be more competitive than others. So, some websites rank easier than others. However, the super-competitive market industry could rank in search engines by choosing the right keywords with the lowest competition. Using Google SERP checker makes you aware of how valuable your keywords for Google and how's your ranking going. We know every webmaster wants many visitors, so they use keywords with high estimated traffic, not considering their domain authority. This doesn’t make sense for Google because the goal of organic traffic is to be a long-term strategy. Probably, you will not get 1K visitors for a specific keyword; however, using many keywords with 10 estimated visits will give you more than the 1K that you were seeking for.

How to manage your SEO difficulty? 

You can avoid one of the most important reasons why your website isn't ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs). Analyze your keywords to find the proper keywords for your website content and measure the SEO difficulty. Avoid the high SEO difficulty keywords because they’re so competitive in your industry. Using high SEO difficulty keywords makes your website not ranking in search engines. You can apply the best SEO keyword practices to get the best results. You can check SERPs ranking by using seobase SERP checker online domain tools to know where are your positions on Google SERPs. 

You're not crediting a trustworthy author.

In 2018, Google released an E.A.T. update. E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This update urges us to give credit to the author; it means you should list the author for blog posts on your website because Google will consider this for ranking in search engines. Google aims by this update to reward websites with trusted industry experts as authors for content.

How to earn Google's trust to rank a website?

Give Google what they need by giving your blog authors a set bio page and linking it to their LinkedIn. This way, you make it easier for the search engines to know they're real people and experts. Afterward, you should use a Google SERP checker tool like seobase SERP Checker to ensure your website ranks high on SERPs.

You have a "non-index" tag set on your pages.

A no-index meta tag is a code you can add to your website pages to tell search engines not to crawl this page; therefore, this page will be not ranking in search engines. On the other hand, some other pages of your website are not indexed by Google because their spiders didn't crawl them. So, how to rank on google for these not ranking pages?

How to get all your pages indexed?

No-index coding should only be on specifically selected website pages. However, You can plug in a URL to a site like this to test it or use the seobase Site Profiler tool to audit your website and get a detailed report explaining more about your website page issues. Probably, you will need to consult an SEO technical expert.  In addition, you can go to Google Search Console and request indexing for your website page that Google didn't crawl, and you need them to be visible on SERPs to get your website ranked.  

75.2-10-Reasons-Why-Your-Website-Is-Not-Ranking-In-Search-Engines.jpgYou're not optimizing older posts.

The main idea of adopting an SEO strategy is to keep abreast of developments constantly so that you can catch up with the massive daily changes on search engines. To implement a successful SEO strategy, you must follow one of the most important factors of ranking on Google: optimizing the previous content. You can't just stand there and stick to your old content without optimizing it. However, you shouldn't optimize all of the old content. Leverage a Google SERP checker tool to know where your Google SERPs positions are and exclude the top-ranked pages. So, do you think you will get your website ranked without optimizing your old content? Of course, you will not. So, how to get a ranking in google?

What should you do about it to get a ranking in search engines?

Optimizing all your old articles can be complex and a very time extensive endeavor. However, there are specific categories of content you can identify that will have the most bang for your buck if you put some more time into them. These categories include;

  • High bounce rates articles. 
  • The 2nd or 3rd page of Google articles. 
  • The article has high impression numbers on search pages but not reasonable clicks.

Conclusion of why your website is not ranking in search engines.

You may have heard about Google’s recent algorithm update, but the Google algorithm is not always the reason; other factors affect your website ranking on SERPs. seobase provides you with the best SEO online tools that help you rank in search engines like our Google SERP Checker tool and Rank Tracker online tool. Also, you should use the seobase Site Profiler tool to perform a successful site audit and determine your SEO issues to fix them and get your website on the top of Google.  

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