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types of backlinks

10 Types of Backlinks You Need to Know About

An ongoing question always bugs the minds of business owners: How do I increase my website rating and organic traffic? One of the most common answers to this dilemma is acquiring suitable types of backlinks that will help you improve authority. 

Join seobase as we explore what backlinks are, why you should care about them, and how you can acquire different types of backlinks to your website. 


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What are SEO Backlinks 

As always, let's start from the beginning by answering what are the backlinks

Simply put, a backlink is a link that points to your website from an external resource. You can create backlinks, too, for example, by linking resources that you mentioned in your content.  

Having backlinks pointing to you is highly beneficial because it sets you as an authoritative resource that other websites trust - this signals to search engines that you're worth being at the top of search results. 

Now, let's explain some crucial terms that always surface around backlinks. Understanding this vocabulary will help you understand the backlinking process and types of backlinks  much better: 

  • Anchor Text -  the link is always tethered to the words, which are backlink anchor text. Usually, anchor text contains the keywords mentioned in the linked page. 

  • Link Juice - this term describes the value the types of backlinks bring to the website. Link juice is a synonym for authority brought and given to the pages- the higher the authority of the linking page, the more link juice is provided. 

What Makes a High-Quality Backlink? 

Just having different types of backlinks referring to your website is not enough. When it comes to backlinks, it's essential to have high-quality links that will bring your website the maximum benefits. So, let's take a second to  explore what makes a good backlink:

Natural placement

It is always preferable if types of backlinks are placed strategically yet authentically through the content, for example, as a reference to a source or a recommendation. 

Authority of the linking website

Does the website that refers to you have a strong domain authority? The answer to this question will indicate how much link juice you'll receive from a backlink. You can use tools like seobase SERP Checker to evaluate the domain authority of a particular website.

Number of outgoing links

If the website has fewer outgoing links, its types of backlinks will hold little value. But if the website is selective about its links, their backlinks are strategic and have an authentic feel to them - then the value of the links will be much more significant. 

Anchor text

As mentioned, anchor text works like a link page content preview. It helps users understand whether they should click and helps search engines evaluate the keywords for the linked content. So, having a proper anchor text can be critical in determining that backlink value. 

Read: 5 Questions To Answer About Importance of Backlinks 

editorial backlinks

Benefits of Acquiring Backlinks 

We've talked at length about what backlinks are and how you determine a quality link. Now, it is time for us to check out specific benefits that types of backlinks bring to the table. 

Increased traffic

One of the main reasons all types of backlinks are considered effective SEO strategies is because they simply bring more traffic. It's one of the most prominent and critical benefits of backlinks. 

Website endorsement 

Imagine you're creating an article for your blog. To support your point, you won't choose some random and odd article just for the sake of linking, right? You carefully pick the source and only then link it to your content. This selective mindset serves as an endorsement of the website you chose. 

Low bounce rates

When a user visits your page, you want them to stay and check even more of your content. That's where internal backlinks come into play. Search engines consider your website less useful if users continuously leave your page after one visit or one-page view (this is regarded as a high bounce rate). 

High-quality internal links will lower your bounce rate and will increase your authority. 

Consistent visibility 

External backlinks are one of the most beneficial kinds of promotion because they create an authentic advertisement that consistently drives traffic to your pages. This promotion has no expiration date, so users will keep visiting your page. 

Read: Backlinks for SEO: Why Backlinks are Important

One Last Thing – What is a Backlink Profile? 

Before we finally explore the types of backlinks and how to acquire them, there is one last thing to discuss - the backlink profile.

A Backlink profile is an overall quantity, a total collection of external links that point to our website. The backlink profile reflects essential information such as:

  • Types of backlinks

  • Respective anchor text

  • Domain quality

  • Relevance 

You can check your backlink profile with the help of tools like seobase Backlink Checker. This tool will generate an Excel sheet providing all the necessary information, like the quality of backlinks, spam, low-quality links, and so much more. 

Generally speaking, a good backlink profile has the following: 

  • Many organic, high-authority links are relevant.

  • Has small or none spammy links

  • The majority of backlinks come from relevant websites that are in your niche. 

  • Include minimal low-quality or low-authority links.

  • And most important, your backlink profile should have various types of backlinks. 

On that note, it's our cue to talk about the ten types of backlinks and how you can acquire them for your website!

Read: SEO-Friendly Website: 14 Tips for Long-Term Organic Growth

10 Types of Backlinks 

Now, the time has finally come! As mentioned, backlinks have a purpose, and different types have various benefits and acquisition methods. Let's explore them one by one: 

1. Editorial backlinks

This is an excellent example of natural and authentic types of backlinks that are considered highly valuable. Editorial backlinks are usually placed inside the content as a reference and, more often than not, come from high-quality websites like blogs, industry influencers, and news sites.  

2. Guest blogging backlinks

You can write and publish content on someone else's blog in exchange for a backlink. By creating valuable content for other websites, you meet the new audience from your niche and secure quality types of backlinks. 

However, be careful and choose reputable sites with high domain authority. 

Read: Guest Blogging For SEO: Comprehensive Guide

3. Resource page backlinks

Being featured as a reputable resource is one of the best ways to get backlinks. These types of backlinks do a lot of things simultaneously:

  • They set you as an industry expert.

  • Provide targeted traffic to your website.

  • Positions you higher in the eyes of search engines.

4. Social media backlinks

Social media is not a direct search engine ranking metric, but it still holds great value for backlinks. In these types of backlinks, influencers or communities can link to your content and provide value in traffic and increased visibility. 

5. Business profile backlinks

The more your brand is out there, the more backlinks you get. One of the best types of backlinks is business profile links. Create profiles across platforms and provide links to your website. 

Ensure that your link only goes to the website's main page in the business profile. This page is the most informative, allowing users to know you better. 

Social Media Backlinks

6. Broken link building

This is a sneaky but very effective strategy. These types of backlinks involve analyzing sites for broken links, reaching out to webmasters, and offering them your links to replace the broken ones - that's why this tactic is highly beneficial for both sides.

7. Gov backlinks

Government and educational websites, by their nature, are highly authoritative. And getting backlinks from them will make your website more reputable from a search engine's perspective. 

However, these types of backlinks are challenging to obtain and come more from established connections than from pitching. 

8. Image backlinks

Images, especially infographics, are easy to understand and share. To prove the point, Semrush's study discovered that web pages that use images earn 555% more quality backlinks

Here are the types of images that are highly shared across platforms: 

  • Visual examples 

  • Maps 

  • Infographics

  • Graphs

  • Product photos

9. Backlinks from webinars

Webinars are, by default, events where you share information and educate viewers. This is a great place to create different types of backlinks and generate leads. 

While hosting webinars, you can create contextual links and boost your backlink profile. 

10. Footer links

These types of links are placed on the side and at the bottom of your web pages. So here, you can use the footer to add internal links to the most critical pages. That's how the visitors will easily navigate information and stay on your website longer. 

However, be mindful that search engines like Google check footer links for value, so choose carefully what you place in the footer. 

Read: What Is Internal Linking And Why It Is Important?

General Rules for Obtaining Backlinks

Apart from going into niche tactics, some general rules bind all types of backlinks. So, let's explore core rules that will help you obtain more quality backlinks: 

Create high-quality content

Make your content appealing with well-researched information, a good structure that is easy to follow, and significant supporting multimedia elements. This will make your content more likely to be chosen as an external link.

Read: How to Identify New Content Ideas For SEO?

Stay up-to-date

Information tends to become outdated. Therefore, updating your content regularly is crucial to stay relevant and keep the flow of visitors going.  

Pitch your content

More often than not, you'll get more backlinks by continuously pitching your website. Guest posts, podcast mentions, badge backlinks, and many more types of backlinks are obtained mainly through pitching. So, take your time and pitch your content to get better backlinks. 

Read: The Role Of Content Freshness In SEO

Utilize social media

To mention you, people first need to notice you. Make your content more visible by utilizing social media. Share your news, new articles, work progress across different social media platforms and see how your visibility will grow.

Read: How to Promote Your Blog Without Social Media?

Link to high-quality content

As we mentioned, websites with selective and quality external links hold value for search engines. Increase your website authority by linking to reputable sites and becoming a better external link option. 

Gov Backlinks


Obtaining quality types of backlinks is a time-consuming but rewarding process. The options for linking are endless, yet not all often will bring value to your website. 

Now knowing all the basics, you'll have more opportunities to build a solid backlink profile, learn how to differentiate quality backlinks, and build strong connections with other influencers and blogs in your niche. 

Improve your content and take your SEO strategy to the next level with seobase!


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