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6 Ways to use Rank Tracker for SEO

6 Ways to use Rank Tracker for SEO

In the world of SEO, backlinks and content play the most significant role in keyword ranking. The content is all about keywords, and to be able to rank well, you have to choose the keywords wisely. Depending on such factors as potential traffic, competition for both paid and SEO difficulty, popularity, and many more. Rank Tracker can be used in many ways to stay on top of our SEO efforts. Here are six ways we can use Rank Tracker to monitor our progress and ensure we are staying at the top of our game in search engine optimization.

1. Track Your Website Progress for Specific Keywords

If we are wondering how our website is doing, Google Analytics will help us out. But, if we are looking for specific details like which page has been accessed most frequently or what keywords are sending traffic our way then using SEO tools such as seobase rank tracker can give us that data right away. Rank trackers also tell us where our site ranks in terms of popularity among all keyword searches. Perhaps most importantly, whether or not that position is changing over time. They help Identify search engine optimization trends and If ranking patterns change over time. That information may tell us what topics are rising or falling in popularity. Monitoring changes in those patterns could lead to better-informed content strategies going forward. Plus, by seeing which keywords are referring visitors and identifying gaps in our promotional efforts, we can tailor our efforts for maximum effect. Receive instant notifications when new backlinks are posted: we want assurance that links aren't being passed around without our knowledge (i.e., as part of an attack against our site). Keeping tabs on new links posted on any websites set up by competitors or irrelevant outside parties could go a long way toward protecting ourselves from unwanted consequences.

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2. Manage Keywords Positions in Search Engine Results Page (SERPS)

The best way to make sure we are top-of-mind for our target audience is to focus our content marketing efforts around a limited number of keywords that align with our business goals. That’s where Seobase Tracker comes in. You can use the rank monitoring and SERP position data in conjunction with the keyword tracking tools to zero in on high value/low competition keywords that make sense for our company. ​ Remember, there are more than 600 million people using search engines every day, so it’s essential that we track our site rankings. A website's position in SERPs is crucial for driving traffic, especially for local businesses. The rank tracker can help you manage your ranking and monitor where your competitors stand with keywords related to your business. By analyzing historical data, we'll be able to anticipate changes in keyword positions over time. This will allow us to adjust keyword strategy accordingly and target underperforming keywords that need an update. If you run Google AdWords campaigns or are serious about SEO, then keeping track of missing pages is a great way to ensure that only relevant material is being indexed. Without accurate indexing, search engines will not return enough information about our brand when users search for our product/service. Using the Tracker report, we can easily view any issues that may arise based on warnings generated by the tool.

3. Track Keywords Positions Both on Desktop and Mobile

The beauty of using Seobase Tracker is that we can be able to track keywords on both desktop and mobile devices. Some businesses are mobile-oriented, others are desktop-oriented. It’s, therefore, crucial to use a rank tracking tool that can track keywords of both devices. Seobase recently updated its Rank Tracker to provide users with the ability to track keyword positions on both mobile and desktop devices. It’s also important that we are able to know what keywords our competitors are ranking for on various devices. This will help you understand their brands better, which in turn increases the chances of growing your business. Seobase tracker makes it possible to track keyword positions for both devices at the same time. To achieve a wider perspective of keywords rankings, it’s mandatory that we feed our websites with fresh and unique content on a daily basis. This will help improve our site’s overall ranking on both desktop and mobile devices, which is crucial for a successful business. It is possible to track keywords positions from different locations around the world by enabling the "Track keywords from different locations" option in your Seobase Tracker dashboard account. The more we monitor keywords rankings, the higher chances of improving our business. We need to be aware of what is going on around us at all times. We can achieve this by creating Google alerts for different keywords within our niche. This will help us monitor our competitor’s brands for different keywords that are within our industry. We can then use that information to improve our own business.

4. Keep an Eye on Search Engine Visibility

Search engine visibility is a moving target. Keywords rise and fall in popularity based on their popularity at that moment, as well as changes in search algorithms. The only way to maintain our visibility over time is to monitor what’s happening day-to-day and keep tabs on long-term trends by using a Tracker. Search engine optimization can seem a bit daunting. If we are not sure what keywords we should focus on, how often we should post content, or how many followers our competitors have, it’s easy to get lost in search engine strategy. Thankfully, we don’t have to become SEO gurus in order to gain valuable insight into our Google rankings. Using a Tracker makes it easy to monitor search engine visibility online. With SEO Tools for Google such as a seobase rank tracker, we can find out which sites are ranking higher than ours in Google searches and adjust accordingly. We can see who’s ahead of us when people type a keyword phrase into Google. What are our competitors doing that works? If they all seem to be ranking higher than us for some key phrases, chances are their strategy is working.

5. Assign Tags to Multiple Keywords

We should always think about keywords when planning our content strategy. The more specific we can be, the better. For example, if we are writing a post about an HR law issue in California, we would tag both “California labor laws” and “HR compliance” since both words appear in our content. Although it’s tempting to use general terms like business issues, we should get as specific as possible by using multi-word tags.

6. Create Flexible Reports

There are many SEO tools out there, but none as flexible and easy to use as Seobase Rank Tracker. By default, it’s great for simple keyword tracking. But you can easily configure it for more complex tasks, like measuring competitor rank changes or determining SERP movement over time. When we are monitoring multiple keywords across several different websites, a robust dashboard is key for staying on top of our performance. With a seobase rank tracker, we can build any kind of visualization that makes sense for our business. From standard charts to complicated formulas and share them with other team members. No matter what industry we work in, updates happen constantly and if we want to stay in front of our competition, we need insights fast. With Tracker’s email alerts, notifications will be sent directly to our inbox so that there’s no delay between data collection and insights processing. Many people use Trackers exclusively for ranking reports these days.

Get an Edge over Your Competitors by Leveraging Seobase Rank Tracker

A Tracker is an amazing tool to keep us on top of our SEO ranking s. Whether we are using it for ourselves or for a client, there are plenty of features that can be used in different ways to help get the most out of every search engine optimization opportunity. Without a doubt, a rank tracker can make the efforts of a business trying to rank higher on SERPs seamless. All we have to do is find a trusted tracker such as Seobase to ensure we get value for our money.

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