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Google algorithm

Google Algorithm: How it Works in 5 Key Factors?

Given the available information on the Internet, it is almost impossible to find the information you need without some help. As a result, Google created Google Search Algorithms. These Google algorithms can filter billions of web pages to help users get valuable results related to the topic they are looking for.

What is Google Algorithm?

Google Search Algorithm is an integrated set of algorithms. It emanates from a complex system. Google uses this complex system to import data from the Google index and rank. It also returns the most relevant pages according to the query. Finally, it provides the best possible results. In the early days of Google, these algorithms were not developed significantly, but today they make thousands of changes every year. As a result, Google is now the most vital search engine globally.

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Why is Google Search Algorithm Important?

According to Statista, Google has more than 90% of the global search engine market share. That share is estimated at two trillion searches each year, which means 3.8 million per minute.  Google's algorithm decides whether or not your site will appear in the best results. The first three results get 75.1% of all clicks.

How Does the Google Search Algorithm Work?

According to Google, the search algorithm follows high standards and strict guidelines to deliver relevant results. Google combines a series of algorithms to display search results. Therefore, it depends on several factors. These factors include the users' search words, search location, the search type, and the computer settings. Other factors also concern a web page to the required search, the publishing date, usability, and the page's structure.  Not all factors are equal. The difference in the algorithm affects the factors' importance according to the query. seobase will go through 5 key factors that are listed officially by Google that influence what results will be returned for a particular query:

Meaning of Your Query:

To get the best search results, Google needs to know what information you're looking for. Understanding language is a key factor in learning what a user needs. So Google builds language models to decode the words you should look up in the index. This search mechanism includes:

  • Interpret misspellings: 

Google's synonym system helps tell what you mean. It provides multiple words that mean the same thing. In addition, this search capability allows you to match the query between what you are looking for and what you find. This system took more than five years to develop and improve results in more than 30% of searches across languages.

  • Synonyms: 

Google's search algorithm understands the information category you're looking for. Understanding Google depends on several factors, such as; Is your search too specific or a broad query? Are there words like 'review,' 'images,' referring to searching for particular information? For example, is the query written in French or Spanish, which suggests you want answers in that language? Or are you looking for work nearby and want to narrow your search to local information?

  • Query Categorization: 

This is about Google analyzing whether you are looking for new content. For example, if you look for popular keywords, Google Freshness Algorithms will indicate that recent information may be more valuable than older pages if you look for popular keywords.

The Relevance of Pages:

Google's algorithm analyzes the content of web pages to assess whether the page contains information that may be relevant to what you are searching for.

  • Keywords: 

The key to learning if words are relevant is when a web page contains the exact keywords. Here it becomes clear Why Keyword Research is Important. The information is likely relevant if these keywords appear on the page, titles, headlines, or the text body. Use the seobase Keyword Explorer Tool to find keywords to take your business to the top. See 5 Simple Steps To An Effective SEO Strategy

  • Interaction data: 

Google also uses aggregated and anonymized interaction data to evaluate search results. Google turns this data into signals that help their machine learning systems improve search results.

  • Images and Videos: 

Algorithms assess whether a page contains relevant content other than the keyword 'dogs' - such as dog pictures, videos, or even a list of breeds.

Quality of Content:

Google's search algorithms are designed to identify pages that show expertise, reliability, and trustworthiness on a particular topic.

  • Quality Backlinks: 

Google's algorithms search for superior, trusted sites. For example, if other recognized websites are linked to the page (PageRank), this proves the pages' information is well reliable.

  • Aggregated Feedback: 

Feedback aggregated from the search quality assessment process is used to improve how Google's systems recognize the information quality.

  • Spam: 

Google's algorithms aim to determine if a low-quality page. It also helps search ensure that sites do not appear in search results through deceptive or fraudulent behavior. Google's Webmaster Guidelines describe techniques that distinguish these low-quality, unwanted sites, including buying links that pass PageRank or sneaking into invisible text on the page. You can track search engine rankings using the SEO Rank Tracker Tool from Seobase.

Usability of Pages:

Google develops its ranking algorithms to promote user-friendly pages over hard-to-use pages, all other things being equal.

  • Page Responsiveness:

Are the website pages responsive and usable?

  • Correct Appearance in Browsers:

Google's algorithms analyze whether all users can work correctly with all pages, such as whether the site appears correctly in different browsers and; Is it designed for all types and sizes of devices?

  • Page Speed:

Google is concerned about Do page load times work well for slow internet connection users?

  • Security of the Website:

Is the website secure and does not pose a threat to user data? Google informs site owners in advance of essential and actionable changes to its search algorithms so that they can improve the usability of their sites. Google announced in January 2018 that its algorithms would begin looking at the "page speed" of sites six months before the changes started. It provides step-by-step instructions and tools like PageSpeed ​​Insights and Webpagetest.org so site owners can see what they need to make their sites more mobile-friendly.

Context and Settings:

Some data and information help Google algorithms customize results for you. This information includes; Your location, search history, and search settings.

  • Location of the User:

Google uses your location to deliver content relevant to your region. For example, searching while you are in England for the best football player will show you the Liverpool player, Mohamed Salah.

  • History of Searches:

If you search for "Football" in London, Google will rank football and the English Premier League results higher.

  • Search Settings:

Search settings are also an essential factor in determining results, such as setting a preferred language or opting in to SafeSearch (a tool that helps filter explicit results).  

Google may also use information from your recent search activity. For example, suppose you are searching for Liverpool, and you've searched earlier for the ranking of the Liverpool team in the English Premier League. In that case, your search results for the Liverpool sports team will likely appear before Liverpool city. These systems are designed to fit your interests but are not intended to infer sensitive characteristics such as your race, religion, or political party. 

See 6 Most Powerful Advanced SEO Tactics in 2022 You can control search activity used to improve your search experience by modifying data saved in your Google Account at myaccount.google.com. to disable search customization based on activity in your account, turn off Web & App Activity. See Google Search Console: Use cases for marketers


Google is developing its algorithms to answer complex search queries to understand search entries better and provide helpful responses. In addition, Google's algorithms aspire to help users reach satisfactory results with fewer searches. As a result, Seobase provides you with the best  SEO tools to make you quickly rank high on SERPs.

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