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How To Remove Unwanted Backlinks

Spam Backlinks: How To Remove Unwanted Backlinks

Spam backlinks are one of the biggest SEO ranking challenges. Google considers linking to a website one of the most critical criteria to rank your website high on the search engine. Each backlink you add to your website enhances your ranking and your content. The algorism sees the backlinks as it is a vote for your website. You can add backlinks in many ways. However, all of these ways should be ethical to avoid Google's penalties. In other words, Google is acute about the links of the site searching. See Creative Ways To Create Backlinks Google is concerned about the quality of the backlinks as a critical factor for ranking in the search engines. In this post, seobase would like to share some insightful ideas about how to get rid of the bad backlinks and avoid their negative impact on your website:

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How to Remove Bad and Spam Backlinks?

The site audit report tells you how many backlinks your website includes. In addition, the website validity, how it links to the site's topic and other standards, and so on, estimates the validity of your accounts. Google's new and constantly changing algorithms provide some links to both positive and negative reviews. Accordingly, site owners will have to pick out high-quality external links. Unfortunately, controlling external links will not be straightforward. This is because sites that have no credibility with Google, low credibility, or malicious activity may link to your site in one way or another. Some competitors would try to decrease your site's credibility. So the question is, how can we manage our backlinks better? How to remove harmful and unwanted links? seobase will indicate the attributes needed to keep your site protected.

What Kind of Backlinks are Known as Spam? Why Should We Remove Them?

Google considers some external links as invalid backlinks. That happens for a good reason. If the backlinks are not sufficiently addressed, they may identify your site on the Google Fraud List. If your backlinks are valid and of trustworthy or authority websites, they can positively impact your site.  On the other hand, adding invalid and immoral backlinks will cause your site damage that cannot be remedied later.  For this reason, you should perform a site audit consistently. SEO site audit provides you with a detailed report about analyzing your site's external links, and after validating them, you should clear the invalid links. 

How does Google detect spam or bad backlinks?

This way, Google discovers that there are unwanted backlinks on your website. Malicious backlinks may have some of the following features:

  • On the blog's sidebar, the site and the forums are placed as daily links.
  • Purchased from commercial backlink sites.
  • Placed in spam sites.
  • Added in website comments as spam.
  • The backlinks distributed improperly used inequality in high numbers and have an abnormal appearance.
  • Backlinks are added to websites with foreign languages (outside your business area).

How to Find Spam Backlinks?

Currently, we know how dangerous backlinks are and how harmful they are to your site. However, many ways to learn more about your external links are available. 

Use seobase best SEO tools to check backlinks.

You can use many online SEO tools to detect and remove unwanted backlinks. Identifying valid and invalid links is a normal process. However, you have to check each link separately.  Therefore, you will have all the link statistics in the list that you receive from the backlink checker tool. Therefore, inspecting each backlink is essential. Because each one, in turn, impacts the website validity. Then, create a list of links with a high spam score and low page and domain authority. You can use the seobase SEO tools to point the backlinks report to you. Performing a site audit by SEO online Site Profile Tool helps you to detect any SEO issues impacting your website. 

Google Search Console 

First, you can go to the Google Search Console tool. Next, select the links to your site option that appeared in the search traffic section. In this section, you'll find your website's external links list in detail. The Google Search Console tool does not provide details about the credit amount for each link and its impact on your rank. However, the anchor text links can be smoothly noticed in this section. See Google Search Console: Use cases for marketers 

Checking relevance.

One of the most important criteria for measuring link value is the relevance of backlinks to site content and site language. For example, let's assume that a site's content is about SEO. In this case, having a backlink from an SEO-related site to your site makes more sense to Google than a backlink from an advertising site. In addition, the language relevance is more than essential to your website backlinks. For example, if your website is in English, adding a Spanish backlink is irrelevant to your website and makes your website less credible. Google may consider some of these backlinks as spam.

Anchor text.

Linking the anchor text to the page subject is indispensable. For example, if you link your page to a WordPress internal link, Google may consider these links suspicious and spam. REMOVE THESE LINKS IMMEDIATELY!

Using do-follow and no-follow links.

The dofollow links impact the site SEO positively. However, using both dofollow and nofollow links may be better for your site to make the text more natural. Moreover, Google changes its algorithms consistently about follow and no-follow links. See Evolving "nofollow" – new ways to identify the nature of links

Links and Domains.

The unwanted malicious backlinks are related to vulnerable and fake domains. Google identifies some domains as spam, and receiving backlinks from such domains may harm your site. So, you have to restrict the backlinks carefully. First, check if Google displays or penalizes this domain. In case Google deletes these sites, disavow these backlinks ASAP. You can always use SEO SERP Checker Tool to track your SERPs ranking. 

Use the Google Disavow Tool.

After creating your complete website spam backlinks, it's time to inform Google that you don't need these untrusted links. Using Google Disavow Tool will do the trick. Use the simple next steps to clear the invalid backlinks:

  • First, save all the links you want to delete in a .txt file. 
  • After that, put each link in a separate line so that Google Robot can recognize them well.
  • Then, go to the Console site and choose your site.
  • Next, click Disavow Links. 
  • Finally, directly go to this page by this address google.com/webmasters/tools/disvow-links-main.


It would be better to consistently run backlinks tracking at the beginning of your site. Removing the invalid bad links within your backlinks on the website is an essential process to rank high on SERPs. You can remove bad backlinks using the Google Disavow tool.  Performing a site audit would be a good choice for finding unwanted backlinks. Thus, you can always maintain your site's credibility.  Therefore, spam backlinks would harm and cause many troubles you don't need on your website. The spam backlinks affect your website negatively. Moreover, that would affect your Google and other engines' ranking. However, you can avoid using the hostile backlinks in many different ways, as the seobase has discussed in this post. You can leverage seobase and have the best SEO tools that provide.

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