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meta keywords

The End Of Meta Keywords: Do Meta Tags Still Matter?

Meta tags have been a staple in the SEO world for many years. They were once considered a crucial element in optimizing websites for search engines. But as SEO evolves, it's natural to wonder, do meta keywords and other meta tags still matter in 2023?

In this informative guide, seobase will explore the role of meta tags, including meta keywords and meta titles, in modern SEO. We'll investigate their significance, best practices, and whether they can improve your website's ranking.

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What Are Meta Tags?

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of meta tags, let's start with the basics. Meta tags are HTML elements that provide information about a web page to search engines. They aren't visible to website visitors but play a critical role in helping search engines understand the content and context of a page. Commonly used meta tags include:

  • Meta Title Tag: This tag specifies the title of a web page and often appears as the headline in search engine results. It's a crucial element for both SEO and user engagement.

  • Meta Description Tag: The meta description concisely summarizes the page's content. It appears below the meta title in search results and influences click-through rates.

  • Meta Keywords Tag: Once vital for SEO, this tag is a list of keywords or phrases to inform search engines about the page's content.

This guide will primarily focus on meta keywords and titles, examining their current relevance and best practices.

Brief History Overview of Meta Tags and SEO

In this timeline, we trace the evolution of meta tags and their influence on SEO, from their inception in the 1990s to their role in modern SEO practices in the 2020s.


The 1990s: The dawn of meta tags

  • The 1990s: The dawn of meta tags

  • Early 1990s: The concept of meta tags is introduced to provide metadata about web pages.

  • The mid-1990s: Webmasters started using meta tags, including the meta keywords tag, to help search engines understand page content.

  • Late 1990s: Search engines like AltaVista and early versions of Yahoo! rely heavily on meta keywords for indexing and ranking pages.

2000s: The rise and fall of meta keywords

  • Early 2000s: Meta keywords become a standard practice in SEO, and webmasters often stuff them with keywords to improve rankings.

  • Mid-2000s: Google becomes the dominant search engine and downplays meta keywords' importance.

  • In the late 2000sGoogle officially announced that it no longer uses meta keywords as a ranking factor, marking the decline of its influence in SEO.

2010s: A new era of SEO

  • Early 2010s: SEO professionals shifted their focus from meta keywords to other ranking factors like high-quality content, backlinks, and on-page optimization.

  • The mid-2010s: Google's algorithms become more sophisticated, incorporating machine learning and user experience signals.

  • Late 2010s: SEO evolves into a more holistic practice, emphasizing user intent, mobile-friendliness, and overall website quality.

2020s: Modern SEO practices

  • Early 2020s: SEO continues to evolve, with search engines prioritizing user experience, mobile optimization, and page speed.

  • Mid-2020s: Google introduces Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor, underscoring the importance of user-centric optimization.

  • Late 2020s: Meta tags like meta titles and meta descriptions remain relevant for improving click-through rates and user engagement

While we can see the progression of meta tags relationship with SEO, only one answer is left - do meta tags still matter? Let's discover the answer in the next section of this blog post.

meta tags to improve seo

Do Meta Keywords Still Impact SEO?

Meta keywords, once a cornerstone of SEO, have witnessed a substantial transformation over the years. Understanding their evolution is crucial in determining their current importance.

What is a meta keywords tag?

The meta keywords tag is an HTML element that enables website owners to specify a list of keywords or phrases relevant to a web page's content. It typically appears in HTML code like this:

<meta name="keywords" content="meta tags to improve SEO, meta keywords SEO, SEO keywords meta tag" />

In the contemporary SEO landscape, meta keywords hold minimal to no significance. Several factors have contributed to this shift in importance:

1. Google's disregard for meta keywords

The dominant search engine, Google, stopped giving weight to the meta keywords tag long ago. Instead, Google's algorithms rely on advanced techniques like natural language processing and machine learning to understand web page content.

2. Past abuse of meta keywords

Previously, website owners would tag the meta keywords with excessive or irrelevant keywords to manipulate search rankings. This meta tags abuse led to a decline in the tag's credibility, prompting search engines to rely on other signals.

3. User-centric approach

Modern SEO prioritizes user intent and content quality over outdated optimization tactics. Search engines aim to deliver the best possible results to users, considering factors like relevance, engagement, and user experience.

4. A multitude of ranking factors

Search engines now consider hundreds of ranking factors, including backlinks, mobile-friendliness, page load speed, and user engagement metrics. These factors collectively outweigh any potential impact from meta keywords and meta tags.

But do meta keywords have nothing left to them? Even though meta keywords are not as influential as once, they can still help you with your SEO strategy. Let's explore how in the next section of this blog post. 

The Role of Meta Keywords Today

Given the reduced significance of meta keywords in SEO, you might wonder whether they should be included on your web pages. Here are some considerations:

1. Historical legacy

If your website already includes meta keywords, leaving them as they are will benefit your SEO efforts. However, investing time optimizing or adding new meta-keywords is unlikely to yield meaningful results.

2. Competitor analysis

Analyzing competitors' meta keywords can provide insights into their SEO strategies. While this won't directly impact your rankings, it can inform your broader keyword research.

3. Focus on other SEO strategies

Rather than dedicating time to meta keywords, concentrate your efforts on more impactful SEO strategies. Create high-quality content, optimize on-page elements like meta titles, build quality backlinks, and enhance user experience.

The Importance of Meta Titles in SEO

While meta keywords have diminished in relevance, meta titles remain a critical aspect of SEO. A well-optimized meta title can significantly impact your website's search engine performance.

Meta title best practices

Here are some of the best practices to increase the benefits that meta titles can bring to your SEO: 

  • Keyword Optimization: Include relevant keywords in your meta title, preferably near the beginning. However, prioritize readability and user-friendliness over keyword stuffing.

  • Conciseness: Keep your meta titles concise and within the recommended character limits to ensure they display correctly in search results.

  • Relevance: Ensure that your meta title accurately reflects the page's content. Misleading or irrelevant meta titles can harm user experience and SEO.

  • Uniqueness: Each page on your website should have a unique meta title. This helps search engines differentiate your content and rank it appropriately.

meta keywords SEO

What About Meta Descriptions? 

Meta descriptions may not directly impact your rankings but entice users to click on your search results. An enticing meta description can lead to higher click-through rates (CTR).

Meta description best practices

How can you optimize your meta descriptions for the better? Here are some ideas to consider: 

  • Engagement: Write compelling and informative meta descriptions encouraging users to click on your link. Highlight the value or unique aspects of your content.

  • Keyword Integration: Include relevant keywords naturally in your meta description, but avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Character Limit: Keep your meta descriptions within the recommended character limit to ensure they display correctly in search results.

  • Uniqueness: Like meta titles, ensure each page has a unique meta description accurately representing its content.

Modern SEO Best Practices

In addition to meta tags and meta keywords, several modern SEO practices can improve your website's search engine visibility:

Keyword research

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases for your content. Use keyword research tools to discover high-potential keywords and incorporate them naturally into your content.

High-quality content

Content remains the cornerstone of SEO. Create valuable, informative, and engaging content that aligns with user intent. Aim to become an authoritative source in your niche.

On-page optimization

Optimize on-page elements such as meta titles, meta descriptions, headings, and image alt text. While meta keywords may have lost relevance, these elements still play a crucial role in helping search engines understand your content.

Mobile Optimization

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as Google prioritizes mobile-first indexing. Responsive design and fast loading times on mobile devices are essential for SEO success.

Backlink building

Quality backlinks from authoritative websites remain an influential ranking factor. Develop a backlink strategy to acquire high-quality, relevant site links.

User experience

A seamless user experience is vital for both user satisfaction and SEO. Improve site navigation, page load speed, and overall usability to keep visitors engaged and reduce bounce rates.

By embracing these contemporary strategies, webmasters and SEO professionals can navigate the complex SEO terrain, ensuring their websites thrive in the competitive online world.

seo keywords meta tag


In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, it's crucial to adapt to current best practices. While meta keywords have lost their once-significant role in SEO, other optimization aspects continue to grow in importance. Today's SEO is about providing valuable, user-centric experiences that align with the goals of search engines and the needs of your audience.

Check out seobase blog to learn all about modern SEO!



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