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website migration checklist SEO

Website Migration SEO Checklist: How to Retain Your Rankings

Website migration is a critical process that involves moving a site from one domain to another, changing its structure, or transferring to a new CMS. 
While it's a pathway to improved site performance and user experience, it poses significant risks to your SEO rankings if handled incorrectly. A drop in traffic and visibility can be detrimental, making an SEO migration checklist essential. 
This article from seobase provides a comprehensive website migration SEO checklist, ensuring you retain your rankings throughout the process. 

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Understanding Website Migration and SEO

Before diving into the checklist, it's crucial to understand the impact of website migration on SEO. 

Any significant change to your website's structure, content, domain, or platform can affect how search engines index and rank your pages. 

The goal of following an SEO checklist for website migration is to minimize disruptions and ensure a seamless transition for both users and search engines.

Website Migration SEO Checklist

Comprehensive Website Migration SEO Checklist

Preliminary Steps

1. Audit Your Current Website

Before making any changes, conduct a thorough audit of your existing website. Identify high-performing pages, backlink profiles, and current SEO standings. Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console are invaluable here.

2. Set Up a Staging Environment

Create a copy of your site in a staging environment. This is your playground for any changes before going live, ensuring that modifications don't affect your current site's performance.

During Migration

1. Maintain URL Structures Where Possible

If you must alter URLs, ensure redirects are properly set up. This is crucial for preserving link equity and user experience.

2. Implement 301 Redirects

For any URL changes, 301 redirects are essential. They signal to search engines that a page has permanently moved, transferring the link equity to the new URL.

3. Update Internal Links

Ensure all internal links point to the new URLs. Broken links can harm your SEO and user experience.

4. Handle Duplicate Content

Use canonical tags to manage duplicate content across versions of your site, directing search engines to the primary page.


1. Monitor Performance

Post-migration, closely monitor your website's performance. Use Google Analytics and Search Console to track traffic, rankings, and crawl errors.

2. Verify Search Engine Indexation

Submit your new sitemap to search engines and use the "Fetch as Google" feature in the Search Console to ensure your pages are being indexed.

3. Conduct a Post-Launch Audit

A comprehensive audit after the migration helps identify any overlooked issues, ensuring your site remains optimized for search engines.

seo migration checklist

Best Practices for a Successful SEO Site Migration

properly. A dip in rankings means a potential loss in traffic, leads, and revenue. Hence, a meticulously planned SEO migration checklist is indispensable. This guide walks you through the best practices for a successful SEO site migration, ensuring your site retains its rankings and visibility.

Preliminary Steps Before Migration

  • Audit Your Current Website: Before any migration, understand what you currently have. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to audit your site's performance. Identify your most valuable content, highest-ranking pages, and any existing SEO issues.
  • Set Up a Staging Environment: Create a replica of your website in a staging environment. This sandbox will be invaluable for testing every aspect of your migration without affecting your live site. Ensure that this environment is not indexable by search engines to avoid duplicate content issues.
  • Benchmark Your Current SEO Performance: Record your current SEO performance to compare against post-migration. Metrics to track include organic traffic, rankings for key keywords, site speed, and indexation status. This benchmarking will help you quickly identify and rectify any declines in performance.

The Core of Your SEO Migration Checklist

  • Ensure URL Structure Consistency: If possible, maintain your existing URL structure. Major changes can disrupt search engine indexing and user experience. If changes are necessary, map out old URLs to their new counterparts meticulously.
  • 301 Redirects: The Backbone of SEO Migration: Implementing 301 redirects is critical to maintaining SEO equity. Map every old URL to the relevant new URL to guide search engines and users to the correct pages. This step is crucial for retaining rankings and minimizing traffic loss.
  • Update Internal Links: Ensure all internal links point to the new URLs. Broken links lead to a poor user experience and negatively impact your site's crawlability, hurting rankings.
  • Optimize New Platform SEO Features: Take advantage of any SEO enhancements your new platform offers. Configure settings for optimal indexing and crawling, and ensure your site structure is SEO-friendly. This includes optimizing meta tags, headings, and mobile responsiveness.
  • Handle Meta Data with Care: Migrate all meta titles, descriptions, and headings accurately. These elements are crucial for SEO and should be transferred without alteration unless improvement is necessary.

Post-Migration Actions

  • Monitor Performance Relentlessly: After migration, closely monitor your site's performance against the benchmarks you set. Watch for changes in traffic, rankings, and indexation. Use Google Search Console to identify crawl errors and any issues Google might have access your content.
  • Submit Your Sitemap: Immediately submit your new sitemap to search engines. This action helps search engines discover and index your new URLs more efficiently.
  • Engage in Active Outreach: Update your backlinks. Reach out to websites linking to your old URLs and request them to update their links to your new ones. While this can be labor-intensive, it's vital for preserving backlink equity.
  • Continue to Optimize: SEO is an ongoing process. Continue to optimize your site post-migration, addressing any emerging SEO issues and improving content and user experience.

Additional Considerations

  • Communication Is Key: Inform your users about the migration through your website and social media channels. A transparent communication strategy can mitigate user frustration due to potential hiccups.
  • Legal and Compliance Checks: Ensure your migrated site complies with all legal requirements, including privacy policies and accessibility guidelines. Non-compliance can result in penalties that may indirectly affect your SEO.
  • Technical SEO Adjustments: Post-migration, conduct a thorough technical SEO audit. Check for mobile-friendliness, loading speeds, SSL certificates, and correct implementation of tags (such as canonical tags) to ensure everything functions as intended.


Website migration is a complex process that can significantly impact your SEO performance if not executed carefully. By adhering to this website migration SEO checklist, you can ensure a smooth transition, retaining your hard-earned rankings and visibility. 

Planning, meticulous attention to detail, and post-migration monitoring are key to a successful SEO site migration. With this comprehensive guide, you're well-equipped to navigate the challenges of website migration, ensuring your site's continued success in search engine rankings.

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