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what are amp pages

What Is AMP? A Beginner’s Guide to AMP Pages & SEO

Ensuring a seamless user experience on mobile devices has become paramount in digital marketing and web development. 
This is where Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) come into play. AMP is a web component framework and a website publishing technology developed by Google and other companies to guarantee that pages load quickly on mobile devices. 
This beginner’s guide from seobase aims to demystify AMP, explaining what AMP pages are, their importance for mobile browsing, and their impact on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Let's learn together what are the AMP pages and SEO. 

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What Are AMP Pages?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are stripped-down HTML copies of existing webpage content that offer faster load times than standard HTML5 documents. 

These pages are designed to be mobile-friendly and are optimized to load instantly on mobile devices. 

The core idea behind AMP is to improve the overall web browsing experience by making web pages load faster on smartphones and tablets.

What Is AMP Mobile?

When discussing "what is AMP mobile," we're referring to the mobile-first approach of AMP. It specifically targets mobile users, who constitute a significant portion of internet traffic.

AMP achieves its speed and efficiency by simplifying the HTML code, leveraging specialized AMP components, and utilizing AMP caches from Google's servers to deliver content quickly.

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How the AMP Pages Works?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) work by optimizing and simplifying traditional web pages to load quickly on mobile devices. 

This process involves several key components and techniques that enhance the mobile browsing experience. Here's a detailed look at how AMP pages work:


AMP pages start with AMP HTML, standard HTML with some restrictions for reliable performance. This customized HTML version uses a set of AMP-specific commands and is designed to be lightweight and fast-loading. 

Certain HTML tags are replaced with AMP-specific tags that ensure efficient loading, such as amp-img for images and amp-video for videos, which are optimized to load faster than their standard HTML counterparts.

AMP JavaScript (JS)

AMP JS is a JavaScript library specifically designed for AMP pages. Its primary role is to manage asynchronous loading and to prioritize resource loading. 

It ensures that the most important parts of the page (like the text) load before less critical parts (like images that are off-screen). 

This library strictly controls all JavaScript execution on the page, allowing only asynchronous scripts to ensure they don't block or delay page rendering.

AMP Cache

The AMP Cache, a crucial component of the AMP ecosystem, is a proxy-based content delivery network (CDN) for serving cached AMP documents. 

Google AMP Cache is the most commonly used, but other companies can implement their own AMP caches. These caches fetch AMP HTML pages, cache them, and automatically improve page performance by pre-processing files and serving them from servers around the globe. 

When a user clicks on an AMP link, the content is served instantly from the nearest cache server, significantly reducing load times.

How These Components Work Together

  1. Optimized Content Creation: Web developers create AMP versions of web pages using AMP HTML, ensuring the code is streamlined and free from elements that typically slow down web pages.
  2. Resource Management: The AMP JS library takes over the loading process, ensuring that only the essential parts of the page are loaded first. It defers anything impacting the speed, like third-party scripts or late-loading elements.
  3. Fast Serving from Cache: When a user requests an AMP page, the request is directed to an AMP Cache (like Google's AMP Cache), which serves the preloaded version of the page. Since these caches are distributed globally, the content is served from the location closest to the user, reducing load times.
  4. Continuous Optimization: AMP pages are designed to be updated and cached frequently, ensuring that the content remains up-to-date and loads quickly every time it's accessed.

User Experience Benefits

  • Instant Loading: AMP pages load almost instantly, providing immediate content access and enhancing user engagement and satisfaction. 
  • Lower Bounce Rates: Faster load times mean users are less likely to leave the page before it loads.
  • Improved SEO: Since page speed and mobile usability are factors in Google's search ranking algorithms, AMP pages often enjoy higher visibility in search results.

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AMP Pages and SEO: Understanding the Impact

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) profoundly impact Search Engine Optimization (SEO), primarily because they address two of the most critical factors in modern SEO: page speed and mobile usability. 

Understanding how AMP pages influence SEO can help website owners and marketers optimize their content for better visibility and engagement on search engines. Here's a detailed exploration of the impact of AMP pages on SEO:

Improved Page Speed

One of the most significant benefits of AMP is its ability to reduce page loading times drastically. Page speed has become a crucial ranking factor since Google and other search engines prioritize user experience.

AMP pages load almost instantly, providing a seamless browsing experience. This speed boost can positively affect a website's ranking in search results, as search algorithms generally prefer faster pages.

Enhanced Mobile Usability

With the increasing dominance of mobile internet usage, mobile-friendliness has become a critical aspect of SEO. Google's mobile-first indexing, for instance, bases search rankings on the mobile version of content. 

AMP pages are inherently mobile-friendly and designed to provide an optimal browsing experience on smartphones and tablets. This alignment with mobile usability standards can enhance a site's visibility in search results and attract more mobile traffic.

Lower Bounce Rates

The immediate loading of AMP pages significantly reduces the likelihood of users leaving a page before it fully loads (bounce rate). 

High bounce rates can negatively impact SEO, as they may indicate to search engines that a webpage does not provide value to visitors. 

By ensuring that pages load quickly and are engaging, AMP can help lower bounce rates, signaling to search engines that the content is relevant and valuable, improving search rankings.

Increased Visibility in Search Results

Google sometimes highlights AMP pages in special search results features, such as the Top Stories carousel in mobile search results. 

This visibility can increase traffic and engagement, as AMP pages are likelier to be clicked on when prominently displayed. 

Although being an AMP page is not a direct ranking factor, the enhanced visibility and potential for higher click-through rates indirectly benefit SEO.

Considerations and Limitations

While AMP offers several advantages for SEO, there are considerations and limitations to keep in mind:

  • Content Limitations: AMP pages are streamlined versions of standard web pages, which might limit the use of certain design elements and interactive features. This could affect user engagement and conversion rates for some types of content.
  • Implementation Overhead: Setting up and maintaining AMP versions of pages requires additional resources and effort, which may be a consideration for smaller websites or those with limited development resources.
  • Analytics and Tracking: Implementing analytics on AMP pages can be more complex than on standard pages. Website owners must ensure that their AMP analytics are correctly configured to track user behavior and engagement accurately. 

What Are Google AMP Pages?

Google AMP pages are simply AMP pages that appear in Google's search results. They are indicated by a small lightning bolt icon next to the website's name, signaling users that the page is optimized for fast loading on mobile devices.

what is amp mobile

How to Implement AMP on Your Website?

Implementing AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) on your website involves creating AMP versions of your web pages that adhere to the AMP specification and are designed to load content quickly on mobile devices. 
This process can significantly enhance the mobile user experience and potentially improve your site's search results performance. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement AMP on your website:

Step 1: Understand the AMP Framework

Before diving into the implementation, familiarize yourself with the AMP framework, including AMP HTML, AMP JS, and AMP Cache. 

Understanding these components will help you comprehend how AMP works and the benefits it offers in terms of page speed and user experience.

Step 2: Set Up Your AMP HTML Template

Start by creating an AMP version of your web page using AMP HTML. This involves using a simplified form of HTML and includes specific AMP components.

  • Use the AMP HTML Doctype: Begin with <!doctype html> and include the <html amp> or <html ⚡> tag to signify an AMP page.
  • Include the AMP JS Library: Add the AMP JS library using the script tag <script async src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0.js"></script>. This library is essential for rendering AMP pages.
  • Design with AMP HTML Tags: Replace standard HTML tags with their AMP counterparts for images, videos, and other dynamic content. For example, use <amp-img> for images.
  • Ensure Custom CSS is Inline: AMP requires that all CSS be inline and under 50KB. This helps in reducing external requests and speeds up page loading.

Step 3: Validate Your AMP Pages

Validation is crucial to ensure your AMP pages meet the required standards and are error-free. You can use the AMP Validator tool, available online or as a Chrome extension, to check your pages. The validator will highlight any issues that must be fixed for your page to be AMP-compliant.

Step 4: Optimize and Test Your AMP Pages

After validation, optimize your AMP pages for performance and user experience. This includes ensuring your images are optimized, your content is mobile-friendly, and your pages load efficiently. Testing on various devices and connections is crucial to understanding how your AMP pages perform in real-world conditions.

Step 5: Enable AMP in Content Management Systems (CMS)

If your website is managed through a CMS like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla, you might find plugins or modules that automate the creation of AMP pages for your content. For WordPress, for example, plugins like the official AMP plugin can automatically generate AMP-compatible versions of posts and pages.

Step 6: Submit AMP Pages to Google

Once your AMP pages are live and error-free, they will be automatically discovered by Google when it crawls your site. However, you can also explicitly submit your AMP pages through Google Search Console to expedite their appearance in search results. This step is essential for monitoring the performance of your AMP pages in Google Search.

Step 7: Monitor and Maintain

After implementation, continuously monitor your AMP pages using analytics tools to understand user behavior, loading times, and engagement levels. Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure your AMP pages stay up-to-date with the latest AMP standards and practices.


Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) represent a significant advancement in mobile web technology, offering a solution to the common problem of slow-loading pages. 

By understanding what AMP is, how it benefits mobile users, and its impact on SEO, webmasters and developers can leverage this technology to enhance their online presence and provide a superior browsing experience. 

As the internet becomes increasingly mobile-centric, AMP's role in ensuring fast, accessible content is more important than ever.

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