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seo website audit

7 Actionable Steps After The SEO Website Audit

One of the foundational practices for staying competitive and visible in search engine results is conducting regular SEO website audits. However, to bring better results to your website, you need an actionable plan to reap the benefits of SEO website audit.

Join seobase as we explore the valuable information SEO website audit can provide, and we'll also outline actionable steps to take after your audit is performed. 


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What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO website audit systematically examines your website's health and performance regarding search engine optimization. Think of it as a diagnostic checkup for your website's online presence. 


During an SEO website audit, various aspects of your site are scrutinized to identify strengths and weaknesses. These aspects include:

  • On-Page SEO: Analysis of your content, keywords, meta tags, headers, and internal linking structure to ensure they align with best practices.

  • Off-Page SEO: Examining backlinkssocial signals, and brand mentions to gauge your site's authority and reputation online.

  • Technical SEO: Evaluation of technical aspects like website speed, mobile-friendliness, URL structure, and schema markup to ensure your site is accessible and user-friendly.

  • Site Architecture: Review your site's navigation, sitemap, and overall structure to enhance user experience and search engine crawlability.

  • Content Quality: Assessment of your content's quality, relevance, and uniqueness to ascertain its value to users.

  • Keyword Research: Ensuring your target keywords are relevant and appropriately integrated into your content.

Why You Need an SEO Audit

The importance of regular SEO website audits cannot be overstated. Here are some compelling reasons why you should make SEO website audit a standard practice in your digital marketing strategy:

  • Identify Issues: An SEO website audit uncovers technical issues, content gaps, and other SEO-related problems that may be holding your website back from achieving its full potential.

  • Stay Competitive: In the fast-paced online business world, staying competitive is crucial. Regular audits help you keep up with changing SEO trends and competitor strategies.

  • Improve User Experience: A well-optimized website ranks higher and provides a better user experience. SEO website audit helps identify areas where user experience can be enhanced.

  • Increase Visibility: The ultimate goal of SEO is to improve your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). An audit helps you identify opportunities to enhance visibility and reach a wider audience.

  • Avoid Penalties: SEO website audits can uncover violations of search engine guidelines that could lead to penalties. Identifying and rectifying these issues is essential to avoid such penalties.

Read: Benefits Of SEO Audit For Website Health

what is an seo audit

Website SEO Audit Tools

Performing a website SEO website audit is crucial for improving your site's performance and rankings in search engines. Fortunately, several SEO audit tools are available to help you analyze and identify areas of improvement. 

Here's a list of some highly effective SEO website audit tools:

  • seobase Site Profiler: Site Profiler is a website auditing tool that identifies and highlights critical technical SEO problems that require immediate attention. It presents essential data about your website's pages in numerical form, identifies potential SEO concerns, and offers clear instructions for resolving them.

  • Google Search Console: Google's tool provides valuable insights into your website's performance in search results. It offers data on indexing, keyword rankingsclick-through rates, and more.

  • Google Analytics: While primarily a web analytics tool, Google Analytics can help you understand user behavior, track traffic sources, and identify areas for improvement on your website.

  • Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool assesses your website's loading speed on desktop and mobile devices. It provides suggestions for optimization to improve user experience and search rankings.

Read: Top 7 Website Audit Tools To Consider In 2024

You've Done SEO Website Audit…What Now?

After conducting a thorough SEO website audit on your website, you're armed with valuable insights into its strengths and weaknesses. Now, it's time to put those insights to good use and take actionable steps:

1. Prioritize technical SEO fixes

Technical SEO issues can significantly impact your website's visibility in search results and user experience. Address the following technical SEO concerns identified during your SEO website audit:

  • Crawl Errors: Resolve any crawl errors or broken links that were detected. Use tools like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog to promptly identify and fix these issues.

  • Page Speed Optimization: Improve your website's loading speed by compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and minifying CSS and JavaScript files. Faster-loading pages lead to better user satisfaction and higher search rankings.

  • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure your website is responsive and performs well on mobile devices. With Google's mobile-first indexing, a mobile-friendly site is essential for SEO success.

  • Schema Markup: Implement structured data (schema markup) where relevant. This can enhance your website's appearance in search results by enabling rich snippets, such as star ratings, pricing, and event details.

  • Duplicate Content: Eliminate duplicate content issues by using canonical tags, redirects, or consolidating similar pages. Duplicate content can confuse search engines and harm your rankings.

2. Optimize on-page SEO elements

On-page SEO is about optimizing individual pages to improve their visibility in search results. Based on your SEO website audit, take the following actions:

  • Keyword Optimization: Review your keyword strategy. Ensure that target keywords are strategically placed in titles, headings, and content. Update or refresh content to align with high-performing keywords.

  • Meta Tags and Descriptions: Create compelling meta titles and descriptions for each page. Make them concise and relevant, and include target keywords when appropriate.

  • Internal Linking: Strengthen your internal linking structure to improve navigation and distribute link equity throughout your website. Use descriptive anchor text for links.

  • Content Quality: Assess the quality of your content. Update outdated information, improve readability, and ensure it's engaging and informative.

Read: A Guide to On-Page SEO for Beginners 2024

3. Off-page SEO strategies

While off-page SEO factors may not be directly controlled on your website, they are crucial to your overall SEO strategy. Take these actions to enhance your off-page SEO:

  • Backlink Analysis: Evaluate your backlink profile using tools like seobase Backlink Checker. Identify and disavow toxic or low-quality backlinks that could harm your site's reputation.

  • Content Promotion: Promote high-quality content through social media, email marketing, and outreach to industry influencers. Quality content can naturally attract backlinks and social shares.

  • Brand Mentions: Monitor brand mentions across the web and request backlinks where appropriate. This can help improve your site's authority and brand recognition.

Read: How to Promote Your Blog Without Social Media?

why you need an seo audit

4. Improve user experience (UX)

A positive user experience is crucial for both SEO and user satisfaction. Implement the following UX improvements:

  • Mobile Optimization: Continuously test and improve your website's mobile experience. Ensure menus, buttons, and content are accessible and responsive on various devices.

  • Navigation: Simplify website navigation by organizing content logically and providing clear menus and categories. A well-structured site helps users find what they're looking for quickly.

  • Page Layout and Readability: Use clean and readable layouts with appropriate fonts and formatting. Avoid cluttered pages and excessive ads, as these can negatively affect user experience.

5. Content strategy

Content is the backbone of your website's SEO success. Use the SEO website audit findings to refine your content strategy:

  • Content Gaps: Identify gaps in your content that your competitors may be filling. Create new, valuable content to address these gaps and attract a broader audience.

  • Content Updates: Regularly revisit and update existing content to keep it relevant and accurate. Google rewards fresh, up-to-date content with higher rankings.

  • Content Calendar: Develop a content calendar to plan and schedule content creation. Consistency in publishing can help establish your website as a reliable source of information.

Read: Why are SEO and content marketing inseparable?

6. Monitor and measure progress

SEO is an ongoing effort, and monitoring your progress is essential. Apart from SEO website audit, use various tools and metrics to track your website's performance:

  • Keyword Rankings: Monitor your target keywords' rankings using seobase Keyword Explorer or Google Search Console—track improvements over time.

  • Traffic and Conversions: Analyze your website's traffic and conversion rates. Monitor changes in organic search traffic and the impact on conversion goals.

  • User Engagement: Use Google Analytics to track user behavior, such as bounce rate, time on site, and page views. Optimize pages with high bounce rates.

  • Backlink Profile: Monitor your backlink profile for new opportunities and potential issues. Regularly update your disavow file if necessary.

7. Stay updated with SEO trends

Search engine algorithms and SEO best practices evolve. Stay informed about the latest SEO trends and updates to adapt your strategy accordingly. Join industry forums, subscribe to SEO blogs, and attend webinars to keep your knowledge up-to-date.

Conducting an SEO website audit is the first step toward better search engine rankings and online visibility. The real value comes from taking actionable steps to address the issues identified during the audit.

Additional Best Practises

After performing an SEO website audit, some lesser-discussed best practices can significantly improve your website's search engine optimization. 

These practices often fly under the radar but can offer substantial benefits:

Image optimization

While many focus on text content, optimizing images is often overlooked. Compress and correctly name images, use descriptive alt tags, and ensure images are the right size for quick loading. This can enhance user experience and improve rankings, especially in image searches.

Content pruning 

Beyond creating new content, consider pruning or consolidating low-quality or outdated content. This can help improve your site's overall quality and relevance to users and search engines.

User intent optimization

Beyond keywords, focus on understanding user intent. Ensure that your content directly addresses your target audience's questions or needs, which can improve rankings and user engagement.

website seo audit tools


SEO website audit is not a one-time endeavor but a continuous process to maintain and improve your website's search engine rankings and overall online presence. 

By understanding the importance of SEO audits, what they entail, and the valuable information they provide, you can leverage these insights to take actionable steps to propel your website toward SEO success!

Keep up with seobase to learn more actionable insights!

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