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keyword research 2024

How To Do Keyword Research In 2024

Keyword research remains an essential component of a successful SEO strategy. As we traverse the vast landscape of 2024's digital marketing trends, understanding how to do keyword research is more vital than ever. This guide from seobase will shed light on the essential aspects of keyword research in 2024 and beyond.

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What is SEO Keyword Research?

At its core, SEO keyword research is identifying and analyzing the specific words and phrases people enter into search engines. The main objective is to optimize content around these keywords, helping websites rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

The Evolution of Keyword Research

While the foundational concepts remain consistent, the ways to execute keyword research have evolved. With the rise of voice search, AI-driven tools, and ever-changing search engine algorithms, keyword research in 2024 has taken a more holistic approach, considering user intent and semantic search patterns.

top funnel keywords

Top Funnel Keywords: Why They Matter

In the grand scheme of digital marketing, understanding the user's journey is pivotal. This journey, often represented as a funnel, showcases different stages a user goes through, from initial awareness to final conversion. At the top of this funnel, we have the awareness stage. 

Here, the user is often just discovering a problem or a need they have. Enter "top funnel keywords" – the terms and phrases tailored specifically for this audience. But why are they so crucial?

1. Introduction to the Sales Funnel

The sales or marketing funnel is a model that represents the stages a consumer goes through before making a purchase. Broadly, these stages are:

  • Top Funnel (Awareness): The user acknowledges a problem or a need.
  • Middle Funnel (Consideration): The user evaluates different solutions to their problem.
  • Bottom Funnel (Decision): The user is ready to make a purchase or take a specific action.

2. What are Top Funnel Keywords?

Top funnel keywords are broad, general terms or questions related to a specific industry, product, or service. They're used by people who are just dipping their toes into a topic and are seeking more information. Examples could include terms like "what is keto diet?" for someone exploring new diet plans or "best DSLR cameras" for a novice looking into photography.

3. The Significance of Top Funnel Keywords

  • Reaching a Wider Audience: Given their broad nature, top funnel keywords often have higher search volumes. By targeting them, brands can reach a larger audience, increasing brand awareness and visibility.
  • Building Trust and Authority: By providing valuable content for top funnel searchers, brands can position themselves as thought leaders and experts in their field. This can cultivate trust, which can be beneficial when the user moves down the funnel.
  • Educating Potential Customers: Top funnel content can help in educating potential customers, setting the tone, and guiding them towards your solutions. It ensures that they are well-informed and aligned with your brand as they delve deeper into their search.
  • Long-Term SEO Benefits: Consistently producing high-quality content for top funnel keywords can yield long-term SEO benefits. Given the informational nature of such content, there's a higher likelihood of earning backlinks, which can boost domain authority and overall search rankings.

4. Challenges with Top Funnel Keywords

  • High Competition: Due to their broad nature and high search volumes, top funnel keywords can be highly competitive. This might require significant time and effort to achieve top rankings.
  • Lower Conversion Rates: Since users searching with top funnel keywords are still in the awareness phase, they are less likely to take immediate actions like purchases. This can result in lower immediate conversion rates compared to middle or bottom funnel keywords.
what is seo keyword research

What Makes a Good Keyword?

When navigating the vast landscape of SEO, understanding the intricacies of keyword research becomes vital. A significant part of this process is determining which keywords are worth targeting. But what exactly defines a "good" keyword? Here, we'll delve into the key characteristics that transform a simple term or phrase into a potent tool for driving organic traffic.

1. Relevance to Your Business or Content

Above all else, a keyword must be relevant to your business, products, services, or the content you provide. If you're a vegan restaurant, for instance, terms related to vegan cuisine or plant-based diets would be pertinent.

  • Key Takeaway: Even if a keyword boasts high search volumes, it won't benefit your business if it doesn't resonate with what you offer.

2. Search Volume

Search volume represents the number of times a keyword is searched for within a given timeframe. Generally, higher search volumes indicate a larger audience and thus a bigger opportunity for traffic.

  • Key Takeaway: While high search volumes are enticing, it's essential to balance this with other factors, such as competition and relevance.

3. User Intent

Behind every search query is a user's intent. This intent can be informational (seeking knowledge), transactional (looking to purchase), navigational (seeking a specific website), or investigational (evaluating options before a potential transaction).

  • Key Takeaway: A good keyword should align with the user's intent, ensuring your content meets their specific needs or answers their questions.

4. Level of Competition

Some keywords are highly competitive, meaning many websites are vying for rankings with that term. Depending on your website's authority, it might be challenging to rank for these keywords.

  • Key Takeaway: Strive for a balance. Often, long-tail keywords (longer, more specific phrases) have moderate search volumes but less competition, making them ideal targets.

5. Potential for Conversion

Especially important for businesses, a good keyword should have the potential to drive conversions, whether that's sales, sign-ups, or another valuable action.

  • Key Takeaway: It's not just about driving traffic; it's about driving quality traffic that aligns with your business goals.

6. Trending or Evergreen Nature

Understanding if a keyword is a temporary trend or an evergreen term can influence your content strategy. Trending keywords can offer short-term gains, while evergreen keywords promise sustained traffic over time.

  • Key Takeaway: A mix of both can be beneficial, capitalizing on immediate trends while also building a foundation for consistent traffic.

7. Seasonality

Certain keywords might have seasonal fluctuations in search volume, such as "Christmas gifts" peaking in December. Being aware of this seasonality helps in timing your content and campaigns.

  • Key Takeaway: Capitalize on seasonality by preparing content in advance and optimizing it to gain traction during peak periods.
what makes a good keyword

How to Seize the Keyword Opportunity?

In the vast digital ocean, where countless websites vie for the attention of users, finding the right keywords is akin to discovering a treasure map. Keywords, when effectively harnessed, can drive traffic, boost brand visibility, and increase conversions. However, merely identifying potential keywords isn't enough; one must know how to seize the full keyword opportunity. 

What is Keyword Opportunity?

Keyword opportunity refers to the potential a keyword holds to bring in traffic, considering both its search volume and competitivenesa keyword's potentials. It's about identifying gaps or niches where you can feasibly rank higher with optimized content.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you capitalize on this potential goldmine:

1. Comprehensive Keyword Research

Begin by diving deep into the world of keyword discovery:

  • Brainstorm: Consider your business, products, services, and audience. What terms might users type into search engines when searching for what you offer?
  • Utilize Tools: Platforms like Google Keyword Planner, and seobase can help you unearth a treasure trove of keyword ideas and their respective metrics.
  • Analyze Competitors: Check what keywords your competitors are targeting. This can reveal untapped opportunities or inspire new ideas.

2. Understand Keyword Metrics

Before diving in, understand key metrics:

  • Search Volume: This metric showcases how many times a keyword is searched for in a specific period. It's a good indicator of potential traffic.
  • Keyword Difficulty: This reflects the competition for a keyword. Low difficulty keywords can be easier to rank for but might have lower search volume.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): For those using paid search strategies, CPC gives an idea of how much you might pay for an ad click for a specific keyword.

3. Prioritize by Intent

Group keywords by the user's intent:

  • Informational: These users are seeking information. Example: "How does solar energy work?"
  • Navigational: Users trying to locate a specific website or page. Example: "Nike store near me."
  • Transactional: Users looking to make a purchase or perform a specific action. Example: "Buy winter boots online."

4. Long-Tail Keywords are Your Allies

Long-tail keywords, often more than three words, are more specific and usually have lower competition. While they may attract fewer users, these users often have a clear intent, leading to higher conversion rates.

5. Create High-Quality Content

With a list of prioritized keywords, curate content that genuinely adds value to users:

  • Optimized Landing Pages: For transactional keywords, ensure your landing pages are user-friendly, fast-loading, and have clear calls to action.
  • Engaging Blog Posts: For informational keywords, craft informative and engaging blog posts that answer users' queries comprehensively.

6. On-Page SEO Optimization

Ensure that your content is optimized for search engines:

  • Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Incorporate your target keyword naturally.
  • URL Structure: A clean, keyword-rich URL can be beneficial.
  • Internal Linking: Guide users to other relevant content on your site, enhancing user experience and spreading link equity.

7. Monitor, Adjust, Repeat

SEO and keyword optimization is not a "set it and forget it" game:

  • Track Rankings: Monitor how your pages rank for targeted keywords.
  • Analyze Traffic: Use tools like Google Analytics to understand user behavior, source of traffic, and more.
  • Iterate: Based on data, adjust your strategy, optimize content, and continually seek new keyword opportunities.

seobase Keyword Explorer Tool 


The seobase keyword explorer tool has emerged as a pivotal asset in the world of SEO. Its importance in facilitating effective keyword research cannot be understated. Here's why:

  • Comprehensive Data: It goes beyond just providing search volumes, delving into keyword competitiveness, related queries, and even user intent. This depth of data allows for a holistic understanding of keyword potential.
  • Intuitive Interface: Even for those new to SEO, the seobase tool's user-friendly design ensures that vital information is easily accessible and comprehensible.
  • Strategic Insights: With its data-driven approach, users can uncover high-value keyword opportunities that might otherwise be missed. This is invaluable in crafting effective content strategies.
  • Time-Efficient: Given its comprehensive nature, digital marketers and content creators can significantly reduce the time spent on research, focusing more on implementation.
  • Competitor Analysis: The tool allows users to gauge which keywords competitors are targeting, providing insights into potential gaps in one's own strategy or areas of opportunity.

In a nutshell, the seobase keyword explorer tool is not merely a digital utility. It's an indispensable ally, ensuring that digital marketers and content creators navigate the vast SEO landscape with precision, clarity, and success.


The art of keyword research has undeniably evolved. In 2024, it's not just about finding high-volume keywords but understanding user intent, recognizing the importance of top funnel keywords, and seizing the right opportunities. As search patterns continue to change, businesses that stay informed and adaptable will undoubtedly thrive.

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