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Technical SEO Audits

Technical SEO Audits: Tips For Booming Performance

Technical SEO audits are essential because they allow you to identify areas where your site needs improvement to rank higher in SERPs. This helps improve your rankings and boost traffic to your site. Technical SEO audits are a crucial part of any website development process. seobase provides the best online SEO tools to help you ranking #1 on SERPs The SEO audit allows us to identify areas where improvements can be made to ensure our site performs well for users. So, seobase decided to explain more information about technical SEO audits what is it, why it is important and how to perform SEO audits.

What Is Technical SEO?

If you want to optimize your website for search engines, there are several different aspects you need to consider. One of these is a technical SEO audit. This involves ensuring your site is optimized for speed, usability, and accessibility.

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Why Is Technical SEO Important?

A fast-loading website will make visitors feel more comfortable using your site. The visitors won’t have to wait as long before they can start browsing through your pages. In addition, having a well-designed website means users will find it easier to use. 

Technical SEO Audits

Elements of Technical SEO

You might think crawling and indexing are the only two elements needed for SEO. But I'm afraid that's not right, as they are only two of the many SEO factors. The importance of these two elements will not be a reason to neglect other elements when conducting a technical audit for search engine optimization, including:

  • mobile optimization
  • page load speed
  • link health
  • duplicate content
  • schemas
  • crawl errors
  • image issues
  • site security
  • URL structure
  • 404 pages
  • 301 redirects
  • canonical tags
  • XML sitemaps
  • site architecture 

What Is an SEO Audit? 

An SEO audit is a process where a company reviews its current SEO strategy and makes recommendations for improvement. This includes looking at how well the site ranks for search terms relevant to the business, whether there are any broken links, and whether the site is mobile-friendly.

What Are the Key Elements of a Technical SEO Audit?

A technical SEO audit involves these key factors that you should consider during an SEO audit:

  • Back-end factors (hosting and indexing)
  • Front-end factors (content, keywords, and metadata)
  • Link quality and outside references
  • Page load speed – This includes how fast your site loads and whether it takes too long to load.
  • Mobile-friendliness – This means that your site works well on mobile devices.
  • Sitemaps – These are XML files that tell search engines where each page on your site is located.
  • Robots.txt – This file tells robots (like Google) what pages should and shouldn’t be indexed.
site audit tools

How to Perform a Technical SEO Audit

It’s essential to start by looking at the basics of your site. You should check the URL structure, meta tags, title tag, and other elements that make up your site’s HTML code. These elements are what Google uses to determine whether your site is optimized for search engines. Using the seobase Site Profiler tool helps you to audit your website and stand on the SEO issues and fix it. Here is a SEO site audit checklist to perform a technical SEO audit effectively: 

  • Crawl Your Website

You should start by looking at your site’s crawl errors. These errors occur when Googlebot crawls your site and finds links that aren’t indexed properly. To fix these issues, you need to make sure that your robots.txt file is set up correctly. Make sure that you block any URLs that you don’t want Google to index. Using the seobase Site Profiler tool allows you to crawl your website pages successfully. You can use Google Search Console to request re-index your website pages that don't appear on the search engines.

  • Perform a Manual Google Search

Performing a manual Google search will help you find out where to start your technical SEO audit. To find out which pages are being crawled, you can use a "site:rootdomain" search to see what appears on SERPs. For example, you can write "site:seobase.com." You will find the following;

  • How many of your pages appear in relevant search results?
  • Does your site appear first when you search for it by name?
  • Where does your site appear in the results?
  • Make Sure Only One Version of Your Site Is Browseable 

Unfortunately, search engines can't crawl your site if your site has several different versions, as crawlers don't know which one is correct. As a result, that will impact your site's SEO ranking negatively. This could be a mobile and desktop version warring with each other or a duplicate "https" version and a non-" https" version.  However, websites with no "SSL protection" are being deprecated on Google SEO. Google progresses to define which sites have SSL protection and which do not. For example, Google Chrome marks pages as "Not secure."

  • Conduct On-Page Technical SEO Checks

Once you’ve fixed your crawl errors, you’ll want to check your site’s performance with an online SEO audit tool like seobase site profiler. This will help you identify areas where you can improve your rankings. Several free SEO tools are available, such as Screaming Frog and PageSpeed Insights.

  • Page Titles and Title Tags

If you’ve tried optimizing your site for search engines, you’ve probably heard the term “meta description.” This text appears under your title tag when people click through to your site. It’s essential because it helps search engines understand your page.

  • Meta Descriptions

You should also make sure that your meta descriptions are optimized as well. These tags appear below your title tag and describe your video in more detail than just the title. They’re often used by Google and other search engines to determine whether or not your video will be displayed in search results.

  • Keyword Placement

Once you’ve identified your primary keywords, you should start thinking about how to use them to help your site achieve higher rankings. You can do this by using tools such as Google Ads and Bing Ads to learn more about the competition for those keywords. In addition, using the seobase keyword explorer tool helps to identify your keywords and you can contact seobase to get some help placing your keywords correctly.  

Technical SEO Audits
  • Manage Your Internal and External Links

Backlinks are one of the most important ranking signals used by Google. They are also one of the easiest things to fix. If you notice any broken links on your site, you should try fixing them immediately. You can use a backlink-checker tool like seobase or Ahrefs to find broken links on your site.

  • Check Your Site Speed

Page speed is an important factor when it comes to ranking well in search results. If your pages load slowly, users won’t stick around to watch your videos. This means fewer views and less engagement with your content. 

  • Leverage Your Analytics and Compare Site Metrics

If you’re looking to improve your site’s performance, then you need to understand exactly how it’s performing. This means understanding not only how visitors arrive at your site, but also how they interact with it once they’ve arrived. Using an online site audit tool will make it easier for you to reach your goal. 

  • Check Your Off-Site SEO and Perform a Backlink Audit

If you’re looking to improve your search engine optimization (SEO), then you need to check your off-site SEO first. This includes checking your backlinks, social media profiles, and other online properties. You can use the seobase backlink checker tool to check your website backlinks.

Technical SEO: Conclusion

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that search engines can easily crawl and index your pages. This includes things like ensuring your site loads fast, having clear navigation, and using keywords in the right places on each page. A technical SEO audit is an important step in improving your website’s performance on Google. In this article, we’ll show you what to look out for when performing one. Use the seobase site profiler tool to audit your website. In addition, seobase provides you with the entire best online SEO tools to help you tp perform website audit SEO and improve your website for SEO.

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