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 What Are 404 Pages

What Are 404 Pages And How They Can Benefit Your SEO

In the ever-evolving digital realm, learning what are 404 pages is a hidden opportunity waiting to be unveiled. These pages, often overlooked, hold significant potential to enhance user experience, reinforce brand identity, and even contribute to your site's SEO strategy. 

Join seobase as we explore what are 404 pages, uncover strategies to identify them on your website, and reveal the best practices for transforming these errors into digital masterpieces of user engagement and retention.

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What are 404 Pages?

A 404 error page appears when a website visitor tries to access a page that does not exist on the server. This usually happens due to a mistyped URL, a broken link, or a page that was moved or deleted.

Instead of serving a default browser error message, exploring what are 404 pages and how to customize them provides a more user-friendly response, informing the visitor that the content they are looking for cannot be found.

Negative impacts on SEO include: 

  • Increased Bounce Rates: Users likely leave after hitting a 404, suggesting low site value to search engines and hurting rankings.

  • Wasted Crawl Budget: Crawlers waste limited resources on 404 pages instead of indexing new content, delaying its appearance in search results.

  • Loss of Link Equity: Deleting pages with backlinks without redirects loses "link juice," reducing site authority and ranking potential.

  • Broken Internal Links: Disrupt site structure and user navigation, impacting site indexing and negatively affecting SEO.

Read: What Leads To Webpage Errors And How To Fix Them

404 page best practices

Benefits of 404 Error Pages

The presence of 404 error pages is often interpreted as a website design and navigation flaw. However, these pages can offer unexpected benefits to website owners and visitors when leveraged correctly. Here's how exploring what are 404 pages and their optimization can turn potential setbacks into strategic advantages:

Improved user experience

Exploring what are 404 pages that maintain the website's theme and provide helpful links or search options can significantly enhance the user experience. Instead of leaving visitors frustrated with a dead end, it offers them an alternative path to find the information they seek, reducing bounce rates and encouraging further site exploration.

Branding opportunity

Creative and unique 404 pages can serve as an opportunity to showcase your brand's personality. Whether through humor, design, or innovative interaction, these pages can leave a positive impression on your visitors, transforming a potentially harmful experience into a memorable one.

SEO preservation

While 404 pages do not directly impact SEO, properly managing these errors can help preserve your site's search ranking. By learning what are 404 pages and how to direct users and search engine crawlers back to your site's content, you minimize the harmful effects of broken links on your site's SEO performance.

Error reporting and insight

Including a feedback option or a reporting tool on your 404 page can help you gather valuable information about broken links or errors on your site. This direct line of communication with your users can assist in quickly identifying and resolving issues, improving the site's overall quality and reliability.


Read: How To Fix SEO Issues: Quick Guide

Increased engagement

By offering alternatives such as related articles, popular posts, or even a site map,  learning what are 404 pages can increase user engagement. Instead of exiting the site, visitors are given reasons to continue browsing, potentially discovering content they wouldn't have found otherwise.

Social media integration

Integrating social media links or feeds into your 404 page can encourage visitors to engage with your brand beyond the website. This increases your social media following and keeps the communication channels open, even if the visitor needed help finding what they were initially looking for.

Data collection for improvement

Tracking the occurrence of 404 errors can provide insights into how visitors navigate your site and where they encounter problems. Analyzing data allows for continually improving the website structure, navigation, and content strategy, leading to a better overall user experience.

Competitive advantage

Exploring what are 404 pages and making them thoughtful can set your website apart from competitors. In an environment where many sites neglect the potential of these pages, offering a helpful and engaging 404 page can positively influence how users perceive your brand.

How to Find 404 Pages on Your Website

Before optimizing, you must explore what are 404 pages and how to find them. Employing a combination of tools and techniques ensures a thorough discovery process:

Leverage Google Search Console

This tool is invaluable for web admins tracking their site's performance in Google Search Console. It specifically flags the 404 pages encountered by Google's crawlers, offering users a clear picture of potential navigational issues.

Deploy website crawlers

Utilize crawling tools such as Screaming Frog SEO Spider to mimic the actions of search engines. These tools provide insights into internal and external links leading to what are 404 pages, enabling you to understand and address the root causes.

Analyze server logs

For those with technical expertise, server logs offer a goldmine of information about what are 404 errors. This method reveals what users and bots were looking for when they stumbled upon a 404 page, providing direct insight into potential content gaps or technical issues.

Utilize CMS-specific plugins

Platforms like WordPress offer plugins designed to detect broken links across your site. These tools automate identifying links that lead to 404 pages, streamlining the task of maintaining link integrity.

Read: Google Search Console Errors: How To Identify And Fix Them

how to find 404 pages on your website

How to Optimize Your 404 Error Pages 

Learning what are 404 pages and how to optimize them is a strategic move to improve user experience, maintain engagement, and potentially guide lost users back to relevant content on your site. Here are several tips on how to optimize your 404 error page:

Maintain branding consistency

Exploring what are 404 pages should feel like a part of your website, not a dead end. Use the same fonts, color scheme, and layout as the rest of your site. This reassures visitors that they're still in the right place despite hitting a snag. A familiar design reduces confusion and helps maintain trust with your users.

Provide a clear message

The message on your 404 page should be straightforward and empathetic. Use language that is friendly and avoids blaming the user. This approach keeps the mood light and encourages users to continue their journey on your site.

Offer navigation options

Apart from a standard navigation menu, consider adding links to your homepage, key product or service pages, and popular content or resources. This not only aids in navigation but also exposes users to essential parts of your site they might not have originally intended to visit, potentially increasing engagement.

Include a search bar

By providing a search function directly on what are 404 pages, you empower users to take immediate action to find relevant content. This feature is handy for e-commerce sites or content-heavy websites where users seek specific information or products.

Encourage reporting broken links

While exploring what are 404 pages, provide a simple form or an email link where users can report a broken link. This helps you fix potential site navigation issues and involves the community in improving your website. Acknowledge their help with a thank you message or email, fostering.

Test mobile responsiveness

With a significant portion of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it's crucial that your 404 page looks good and functions well on all screen sizes. This includes adjusting the layout, ensuring readable text, and providing efficiently clickable interactive elements.

Track 404 page traffic

Use web analytics tools to monitor how often your 404 page is visited and where these visits are coming from. This information can help you identify and fix broken links, understand which content your visitors are trying to access, and improve the overall navigation of your site.

Keep it simple

While learning what are 404 pages helpful and engaging, it is essential to avoid overwhelming visitors with too much information or too many options. A clean, straightforward design with a clear message, a few navigation options, and perhaps a search bar is often more effective than a cluttered page.


Read: How To Get Rid Of Bad Backlinks

404 page error


While a 404 error page signifies a missing piece in the vast puzzle of your website, it also offers a unique opportunity to engage with visitors in unexpected ways. 


Adhering to the best practices outlined above can transform a potential site exit into a navigational aid that enhances the user experience. Remember, the key to exploring what are 404 pages lies in balancing creativity, functionality, and user guidance. 


With thoughtful design and strategic implementation, exploring what are 404 pages can become an integral part of your site's success story, ensuring that every visitor journey, even those that take a wrong turn, is valued and supported.


Keep up with seobase to learn all about SEO best practices!


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