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Webpage Errors

What Leads To Webpage Errors And How To Fix Them

Maintaining a flawless online presence in the digital landscape is paramount for businesses and individuals. However, even the most meticulously designed websites can encounter webpage errors, disrupting user experience and potentially damaging SEO efforts. 

Understanding the various types of webpage errors, their causes, and how to fix them is crucial for maintaining a seamless online presence. Join seobase as we explore the intricacies of webpage errors, including common SEO errors, and provide actionable solutions to rectify them.


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What are Webpage Errors? 

Webpage errors refer to issues or problems when a user attempts to access a webpage online. These errors can manifest in various forms and result from many factors, which we'll explore later in the article. When a webpage error occurs, the user typically receives an error message instead of the intended content.

Read: How To Create Your Ultimate SEO Growth Strategy

check webpage for errors

Types of Webpage Errors

Webpage errors come in various forms, each with its causes and implications. Here are some common types:

404 Error (page not found)

Perhaps the most well-known webpage error, a 404 error, occurs when a user attempts to access a page that no longer exists or has been moved. This can happen due to broken links, deleted pages, or incorrect URL entries.

500 Internal Server Error

These webpage errors indicate that something has gone wrong on the server's end, preventing it from fulfilling the request. It could be due to server misconfigurations, coding errors, or insufficient server resources.

403 Forbidden Error

A 403 error occurs when the server refuses to fulfill a request, typically due to inadequate permissions. This could be caused by misconfigured server settings or permission restrictions set by the website administrator.

502 Bad Gateway Error

These webpage errors signify that the server, acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server. Common causes include server overload, network issues, or misconfigured server settings.

DNS Errors

Domain Name System (DNS) webpage errors occur when the DNS server fails to translate a domain name into an IP address. This can happen due to DNS misconfigurations, server downtime, or DNS propagation delays.

Read: Identifying and Fixing Common SEO Issues Through Site Audits

Common Causes of Webpage Errors

Common technical causes of webpage errors often originate from underlying issues related to website infrastructure, coding, and server configurations. Addressing these technical causes is essential for maintaining a functional and accessible website. Here are some common technical causes of webpage errors:

Broken links

Broken links occur when a hyperlink leads to a page that no longer exists or has been moved without proper redirection. This can happen due to website restructuring, content updates, or URL changes.

Server misconfigurations

Misconfigurations in server settings can lead to various webpage errors, such as 500 Internal Server Errors or 502 Bad Gateway Errors. These errors typically occur when the server cannot fulfill requests due to incorrect settings, insufficient resources, or conflicts with server software.

Coding errors

Mistakes in website code, such as syntax errors, missing files, or incorrect configurations, can result in webpage errors like 404 Not Found Errors or 403 Forbidden Errors. Poorly coded scripts, plugins, or server-side applications can also contribute to technical issues that affect website functionality.

Database connection problems

Websites that rely on databases to store and retrieve data may encounter errors if there are issues with database connectivity or queries. Database connection errors can result in webpage errors like 503 Service Unavailable Errors or slow-loading pages due to database timeouts.

SSL certificate problems

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate errors can occur if the certificate is expired, improperly configured, or not recognized by web browsers. SSL certificate errors can lead to warnings or security alerts, discouraging users from accessing the website.

Resource limitations

Websites hosted on shared servers or with limited resources may encounter webpage errors when resource usage is within allocated limits. Resource limitations can cause server overload, slow response times, or temporary service interruptions.

File permissions and ownership

Incorrect file permissions or ownership settings on servers and directories can result in 403 Forbidden Errors or other access-related webpage errors. Improper file permissions may restrict access to specific resources, preventing users from viewing or interacting with webpage content.

Read: SSL in SEO: Why Security Affects Your Rankings

500 Internal server error

SEO Implications That Cause Webpage Errors

Beyond disrupting the user experience, webpage errors can also have significant SEO implications, affecting a website's search engine rankings and visibility. Here are some ways webpage errors can impact SEO:

Indexing issues

Various factors can prevent search engines from properly indexing webpages, such as meta robots tags blocking indexing, crawl errors, or incorrect directives in the robots.txt file. If important pages are not indexed, they will not appear in search engine results, reducing organic visibility and traffic opportunities.

Redirect chains

Redirect chains occur when multiple redirects are in place to direct users from one URL to another. While redirects are sometimes necessary for page migrations or URL changes, excessive redirect chains can slow page load times and dilute link equity. This can negatively impact SEO performance and user experience.

Duplicate content

Duplicate content refers to identical or similar content that appears on multiple URLs within a website or across different domains. Search engines may need help determining which version of the content to index and rank, leading to potential penalties or lower rankings. 

Canonicalization errors

Canonicalization errors occur when multiple versions of the same content exist under different URLs, but proper canonical tags are not implemented to indicate the preferred version. This can result in search engines indexing and ranking multiple versions of the same content separately, leading to duplicate content issues and diluting SEO efforts.

How to Check Webpages for Errors

Regularly monitoring and identifying webpage errors is essential for maintaining a healthy website. Here are some methods for checking web pages for errors:

Use webmaster tools

Platforms like Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools provide valuable insights into crawl errors, including 404, server, and DNS errors. These tools also offer suggestions for fixing errors and improving website performance.

Conduct site audits

Regular site audits using SEO auditing tools like seobase Site Profiler can help identify and address many webpage errors, including broken links, coding issues, and server-related problems.

Test website speed

Slow-loading webpages can indicate underlying server issues or inefficient coding practices. Utilize tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to assess website speed and identify areas for improvement.

Check for mobile compatibility

With the increasing prevalence of mobile browsing, ensuring that webpages are mobile-friendly is essential. Use tools like Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to evaluate mobile compatibility and address issues.

Monitor analytics data

Analyzing website analytics data can provide valuable insights into user behavior, including patterns of encountering webpage errors. Monitor metrics such as bounce rate, exit pages, and user flow to identify potential problem areas.

Easy Ways to Fix Webpage Errors

Once webpage errors are identified, prompt action is necessary to rectify them and minimize their impact on user experience and SEO. Here are some solutions for fixing common webpage errors:

Redirect broken links

For pages that no longer exist or have been moved, implement 301 redirects to redirect users and search engines to the appropriate alternative page. This preserves link equity and ensures a seamless user experience.

Debug coding errors

Thoroughly review website code to identify and fix coding errors, such as syntax mistakes, missing files, or incorrect configurations. Regular code maintenance and testing can help prevent coding errors from causing webpage errors.

Optimize server settings

Work with your web hosting provider or administrator to optimize server settings, address performance issues, and ensure reliable server operation. Implementing caching mechanisms, upgrading hardware, or fine-tuning server configurations can help mitigate server-related errors.

Adjust permissions

Review and adjust permissions settings to ensure users have the appropriate access levels to website resources. This includes setting directories, files, and server configuration permissions to prevent 403 Forbidden errors.

Resolve DNS issues

Collaborate with your domain registrar or DNS provider to resolve DNS issues promptly. This may involve updating DNS records, troubleshooting DNS configurations, or resolving DNS propagation delays to restore website accessibility.

Address Canonicalization Errors

Ensure proper canonicalization of URLs to prevent duplicate content issues and improve SEO. Implement canonical tags to specify the preferred URL for indexing, consolidating link equity, and avoiding confusion for search engines. Regularly audit your website for canonicalization errors and address them promptly to maintain SEO performance.

Read: How To Fix SEO Issues: Quick Guide

404 Error


Webpage errors can significantly impact user experience, SEO performance, and website credibility. By understanding the types and causes of webpage errors and implementing proactive measures to identify and fix them, website owners and administrators can ensure a seamless online experience for users and maintain strong search engine rankings. 

Regular monitoring, timely resolution of errors, and ongoing website maintenance are vital to mitigating the impact of webpage errors and maintaining a healthy online presence.

Keep up with seobase as we explore the best strategies to enhance your SEO efforts!


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