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google crawl errors

How To Clean Up Google Crawl Errors?


Solving Google crawl errors is crucial for maintaining the health of your website, ensuring its content is visible to Google and accessible to your audience. Google crawl errors can significantly impact your site's SEO performance and user experience. 

Join seobase as we explore a step-by-step approach to identify, understand, and resolve common Google crawl errors, improving your site's crawlability. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to clean up your site and enhance its visibility and performance.


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What are Google Crawl Errors?

Google crawl errors signify a problem encountered by Google's bots, also known as spiders or crawlers, when attempting to access and index pages on a website. 


These errors impede Google's ability to read and catalog the content on a site, which can adversely affect the site's visibility in Google search results. Crawl errors are broadly categorized into two main types:

  • Site errors: These are issues that prevent Google's bots from accessing any part of the website. 

  • URL errors: These errors are specific to individual pages on a website.

Read: What Are Crawl Errors? Why Do Crawl Errors Matter?

crawl errors

SEO Implications of Google Crawl Errors

Google crawl errors can significantly affect your website's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Crawl errors indicate issues Google's crawlers encounter while accessing and indexing your site's content.


Here are some SEO implications of common Google crawl errors:

Indexing issues

Google crawl errors can prevent search engines from properly indexing your website's pages. If Googlebot encounters errors while crawling your site, it may be unable to index all your content, leading to decreased visibility in search results.

Decreased organic traffic

When Google encounters crawl errors on your site, it may lower your site's ranking in search results or even remove specific pages from its index altogether. This can decrease organic traffic to your site, making it less visible to users searching for relevant keywords.

Poor user experience

Google crawl errors are associated with issues that negatively impact user experience, such as broken links, server errors, or slow page loading times. A poor user experience can lead to higher bounce rates and lower engagement metrics, indirectly affecting your site's SEO performance.

Negative impact on site authority

Google crawl errors can signal to search engines that your site could be better maintained or more reliable, positively impacting your site's authority and trustworthiness. This, in turn, can affect how search engines perceive the relevance and quality of your content, further impacting your rankings.

Impacts on crawling budget

Google allocates limited resources, called crawl budget, to each website. Crawl errors can save this budget by preventing Googlebot from accessing and crawling essential pages on your site. As a result, less critical or lower-quality pages may be crawled more frequently, while important pages may be ignored.

Here's How to Fix Google Crawl Errors

Fixing Google crawl errors is crucial for maintaining a healthy website and ensuring optimal visibility in search engine results. Here are steps you can take to address common crawl errors:

Step 1: Identifying crawl errors

The first step to solving Google crawl errors is identifying them. Google Search Console (GSC) is an invaluable tool for this purpose. GSC provides detailed reports on your website's performance in Google search results, including any crawl errors that Google's bots have encountered.

  • Log in to Google Search Console: Navigate to the Coverage section to see an overview of your site's status.

  • Review the Error Report: GSC categorizes errors into "Errors," "Valid with warnings," "Valid," and "Excluded." Focus on the "Errors" section to identify critical crawlability problems.

  • Analyze Specific Errors: Click on each error type to get more details, such as the affected URLs and the nature of the errors.

Step 2: Prioritizing and addressing crawl errors

Once you've identified the Google crawl errors, prioritize them based on their impact on your site's performance and visibility. Address the most critical errors, such as server and widespread access issues, before moving on to individual URL errors.

Fixing site errors

  • DNS Errors: Verify your DNS settings and ensure your site is consistently accessible. You may need assistance with your hosting provider or a DNS service.

  • Server Errors (5xx): These errors indicate issues with your server. Check your server logs and configurations. It might be necessary to upgrade your hosting plan if the errors are due to resource limitations.

Addressing URL errors

  • 404 Errors (Not Found): Ensure all broken links are fixed by either updating them to point to the correct URLs or removing them if the content no longer exists. Consider implementing 301 redirects for deleted pages that have inbound links.


  • Access Denied (403 Errors): Verify your site's robots.txt file and server settings to ensure that Google's crawlers are not blocked from accessing important content.


  • Soft 404 Errors: These errors occur when a page looks like a 404 page but doesn't return the HTTP 404 status code. Ensure that your server correctly returns a 404 status for pages that do not exist.

Step 3: Improving your site's crawlability

Improving your site's overall crawlability can prevent future Google crawl errors. Here are some best practices:

  • Optimize Your Robots.txt File: Use the robots.txt file wisely to guide crawlers toward important content and away from irrelevant pages.

  • Improve Site Structure: A well-organized website with a logical hierarchy and straightforward navigation aids crawlers in understanding and indexing your content.

  • Enhance Link Quality: Ensure internal and external links are relevant, working, and updated. Broken links can hinder crawlers and create a poor user experience.

  • Mobile-Friendly Design: With Google's mobile-first indexing, ensuring your site is mobile-friendly is crucial for its crawlability and visibility.

  • Load Time Optimization: Improve your site's loading times, as crawlers can skip slow-loading pages, leading to unindexed content.

Step 4: Monitoring and maintaining crawl health

Regular monitoring and maintenance are essential for keeping your site free of Google crawl errors. Regularly check Google Search Console for new errors and warnings. Keep your site's content fresh and relevant, and regularly audit your site for potential issues.


By adopting a methodical strategy to detect, rank, and rectify Google crawl errors, while consistently keeping an eye on your website's overall condition, you're setting the stage for unparalleled performance, visibility, and user engagement. 


Embracing such a forward-thinking stance towards SEO upkeep can profoundly influence your website's position in search results and traffic flow, cementing your digital footprint.


Read: How to Fix Crawl Errors in Google Search Console?

google search console crawl reports let you monitor

Additional Tools

In addition to Google Search Console, there are several other tools and resources you can use to diagnose and fix Google crawl errors:

seobase Site Profiler

This tool provides a comprehensive audit with insights on Google crawl errors, broken links, redirects, server issues, mobile-friendliness, indexability, and content-related issues. seobase Site Profiler helps you identify and prioritize technical SEO issues to improve your site's visibility and performance in search engine results.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog is a powerful desktop-based SEO tool that can crawl your website and identify technical SEO issues, including crawl errors, broken links, redirects, duplicate content, and more. It provides detailed reports to help you pinpoint and fix crawl errors efficiently.

Moz Pro Site Crawl

Moz Pro's Site Crawl tool offers another layer of analysis, identifying crawl issues that could impact your site's search performance. It detects critical errors like broken links, redirects, and issues with page titles and meta descriptions, among others. The tool also prioritizes these issues to help you focus on the most impactful fixes.


By using these additional tools in conjunction with Google Search Console, you can gain deeper insights into your website's technical SEO health and address crawl errors more effectively, ultimately improving your site's visibility and performance in search engine results.

crawlability problems


Effectively addressing Google crawl errors ensures your website's visibility and SEO performance. These errors can prevent Google's crawlers from accessing and indexing your content, decreasing search results visibility and impacting your site's traffic and user experience. 


By understanding the nature of these errors and employing a systematic approach to identifying and resolving them, you can significantly improve your site's health. 


Regular website maintenance and adopting the best site structure and crawlability practices are crucial to preventing future issues. By focusing on creating a crawl-error-free website, you ensure that your site remains accessible, well-indexed, and competitive in search engine rankings. 


Keep up with seobase to learn all about SEO best practices!

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